The Advance Project

Enhancing the academic careers of women in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics

Enhancing the academic careers of women in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

College Mentoring Policies

College of Arts and


Coming soon…
College Business Administration Coming soon…
College of Engineering The College of Engineering has a mentoring program in each of its six departments.  Currently the mentoring takes place at the department level in each of the six departments.  The details of the mentoring program in each of the departments is attached.
Additionally, the College of Engineering Diversity Committee and the NSF Advance Program facilitate mentoring programs that support the mentoring programs in each of the COE departments.  The COE Diversity Committee has developed a set of guidelines to be used by each department in the college of engineering.
All new faculty in the COE are assigned two faculty mentors when they join the university.  The department chair serves as the default faculty mentor.  Faculty mentors are expected to interact with their mentees frequently and assist or advise them on various issues. To formally emphasize the importance of good mentoring in COE, mentors will be recognized for their service, and will receive CEU credit that can be banked.
The Dean always welcomes discussion and meetings with faculty regardless of their rank.  In these meetings discussions are normally driven by faculty request related to career issues, funding support, space allocation, interpersonal issues, etc.
Additionally, there are many informal visits by the Dean or senior faculty with the new faculty to learn about their experience at URI, to encourage them, and help in any way appropriate with their progress and success.
Formal program management will take place by a “Faculty Mentoring Coordinator,” appointed by the Dean.  This person shall be a senior faculty member who will receive one course release per year to organize the mentoring program in COE.  Duties will include:

    • organizing events for junior faculty and mentors,
    • meeting individually with junior faculty to ensure they are getting the support they need,
    • assisting with mentor matching and re-assignments,
    • ensuring that new mentors and junior faculty receive adequate mentor training,
    • ensuring that mentors establish an active relationship and provide support to new faculty mentees from the first day on campus,
    • assisting the Dean in providing formal awards or recognition of excellent mentoring in COE,
    • and promoting the awareness and value of mentoring in the college in general
College of the Environment and Life Sciences Coming soon…


College of Human Science and Services The College of Human Science and Services has both individual and group aspects to our mentoring program. The individual aspect involves our assigning each new faculty member a mentor.  These are successful senior faculty members, selected in consultation with the Department Chair, who are judged to be potentially helpful in assisting the new faculty member with their transition to URI or their transition to a new role at URI.  Typically, the mentor and junior faculty are members of the same department. On rare occasions a second mentor from another department (or college) is assigned if it is perceived that there is a particularly good match.  The relationship between the junior and senior faculty members is highly individual and develops in response to the needs and talents of the dyad. We conclude  the year with a social event to which mentors and their protegees are invited. Roughly each second year we have a mid-year working retreat to which all are invited.
We are more purposeful about our group program which is under the direction of the Dean’s Office.  The goal of this Program is to convince junior faculty that their success is our greatest concern, to allay their fears in their quest for promotion and tenure, and to increase their successes in their work with students, in outreach and in scholarship.  This program is in its third year and consist of meetings approximately twice per semester.  The topics for these meetings are selected by assessing junior faculty wishes and including matters we believe important. These have included developing a research agenda, research writing workshop, balancing among professional demands and between professional and personal demands, productive use of  summers, and finding collaborators.  The meetings also have a social component as informal connections and mutual support are important aspects of the Program.  This Mentoring Program had its first successful ‘graduates’ last Spring Semester with the promotion and tenure of Drs. Susan Hannel (TEX) and Kathy Guglielmi (SOE).
College of Nursing Coming soon…
Graduate School of Oceanography Coming soon…
College of Pharmacy


Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mentoring Program

It is the department’s policy to provide effective mentoring for their new faculty. It is critical for the department to provide support for new faculty in providing guidance for setting up their research programs and obtaining outside funding for that program. It is the departments’ policy to assign a research mentor with in the first month that new faculty arrives. Other mentoring services such as social facilitative support will be provided by the chair or designee.
• The research mentor will be a recognized expert in the faculty members’ research field, If the faculty member is assigned a mentor through a special grant program or University program, the research mentor will be the same individual.

• The Chair will provide incentives indicating that mentoring is a priority. These include departmental recognition, and providing support for the mentors and mentees to meet over lunch.

• The University’s ADVANCE Office will help provide formal mentor and mentee training.


Pharmacy Practice – coming soon


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