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Enhancing the academic careers of women in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics

Enhancing the academic careers of women in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics

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ADVANCE Faculty Mentor Program

ADVANCE has developed a comprehensive Faculty Mentoring Program, launched in 2007. Although excellent mentoring programs currently exist in many places at URI, ADVANCE offered assistance to colleges who needed to increase their mentoring efforts. The Mentor Committee consisted of senior faculty and administrators who met regularly to plan the program, check-in with junior faculty, and facilitate mentor matches or reassignments. The goal was to ensure that every junior faculty member at URI has at least one, and preferably more, active and involved mentors.   The ADVANCE program includes:   1. Annual Mentor Training Workshops 2. Mentoring materials – web tutorial, handbook, brochures, worksheets, etc. 3. College consultation, including tailored policy development and brochures 4. Mentor matching assistance 5. Junior faculty training and social gatherings 6. Annual junior faculty “check-in” regarding mentoring relationships 7. Annual Faculty Mentor Award 8. Evaluation – annual mentor program survey

How do faculty perceive their mentoring at URI?

URI Faculty Mentoring Policy Approved by the Provost Dec. 21, 2006“All URI colleges shall implement a mentoring policy that provides for effective mentoring for their new faculty. This mentoring shall consist of career-advancing guidance, as well as social and psychological support for the new faculty member. College policies shall include the provision of one or more mentor(s) to each new faculty member, some form of mentor training, and regular “checking in” to ensure that the needs of junior faculty are being met.”
URI Faculty Mentoring Program ADVANCE is grateful to the Provost for endorsing the creation of a URI Faculty Mentoring Program at the University in December 2006. Recognizing that many departments/colleges have excellent mentoring programs well underway, the need exists to have formal expectations and a set of resources in place to ensure that all new faculty are provided good mentoring.
College Mentoring Policies All colleges have provided mentoring program policies. ADVANCE can offer guidance and materials to colleges that would like to fine tune their mentoring policies and practices.
ADVANCE Mentoring Web Tutorial We have developed a web tutorial, which is a reduced version of ourMentoring Handbook.
ADVANCE Mentoring Materials In addition to the Web tutorial, you may find additional materials below. Also, you may refer to mentoring workshops for additional materials.

Workshops ADVANCE facilitated mentoring workshops, lunches and socials for new faculty. Our workshops allowed for open communication and were used as a forum in which issues and concerns of new faculty were presented and discussed.
Faculty Mentor Award To make faculty mentoring a clear priority at the University, to acknowledge those who provide exceptional mentoring, and to encourage an increased awareness on this important activity, ADVANCE initiated the Faculty Mentor Award. 

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