Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

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Rhode Island Seal

Frequently Asked Questions

course proposal procedures

How do I make changes to an existing course? 

To make changes to an existing course, navigate to Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) System. Select Curriculum. Select “Courses” in the left vertical menu. Use the Search Bar and begin typing the course code and number or enter a key word in the title to find the course. Select the course. Select “Propose Changes” in the right vertical menu. Complete the form. Select “Leave Edit Mode.” Select “Submit for Approval.” 

How long does it take to get a NEW COURSE approved?

In planning for the first offering of a newly proposed course, please be aware that the review and approval of a proposal is a multi-step process that can take several months and is not complete until the course is officially listed in e-Campus. Per Section 8.81.10 of the University Manual, completed course proposals must be approved by a vote of the faculty of the originating department, the college, either the Curriculum and Standards Committee (undergraduate courses), General Education Committee (general education courses only), or Graduate Council (graduate courses), and the Faculty Senate. Proposals must be received in the Faculty Senate Office from the college curriculum committee at least 14 days in advance of a Faculty Senate Curriculum Committees or Graduate Council meetings to be assured of inclusion on the next committee agenda. 

Errors in the proposal will delay advancement to the appropriate review committee. Incomplete proposals and those containing faculty errors will be returned.  After full approval by the appropriate review committee and the Faculty Senate, course information is entered into e-Campus.  After courses are entered, department chairs are responsible for requesting the scheduling of a course through Enrollment Services.

Does the Curriculum and Standards Committee/Graduate Council turn down proposals?

The committees seldom reject proposals outright, but they frequently table proposals pending more information or clarifications. A representative of the review committee will contact the proposing instructor for the necessary information.

What are common reasons for a proposal being tabled?

  • Missing or incomplete rationale
  • Insufficient syllabus: student learning outcomes not expressed in measurable terms, missing grading scale, missing assignments and grading policy, missing course schedule with topics, readings, assignments, due dates, deadlines, exams; missing statements regarding accommodations for disabilities, academic enhancement center, writing center, etc. (for syllabus recommendations, refer to Syllabus Development on the website of the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning)
  • Missing Library Impact Statement, Online or General Education information (when applicable), Curriculum Sheet (when applicable), documentation of support from another department(s)/college(s), documentation that overlap with another course does not exist
  • Inconsistent information, e.g. differing reference to pre-requisite or number of credits

How many changes to an existing course warrant proposing a NEW COURSE instead?

If changing both course code and course number, create a new course. 

If proposed changes to an existing course significantly impact course content and changes are proposed to the level (e.g., 200 to 300), title and description, or credits, or method of instruction, consider creating a new course. 

How do I determine what course number to use? 

For undergraduate courses select from 100, 200, 300, or 400 numbers. Courses at the 400 level may also be offered for graduate credit. For graduate courses select from 500, 600, 700, and 800 numbers. Courses using numbers at the 900 level are generally used for workshop or other courses not part of a degree or major. 

How do I know what NEW COURSE numbers are available?

The number for a NEW COURSE must have been unused for at least five years, or never used.  Check course code and number through the e-Campus Catalog. You can also search for available numbers in the Kuali Curriculum Management System. [Select Curriculum. Select Courses. In the search bar type in the course code and number.] Department chairs, college curriculum committee chairs, and curriculum managers in the deans’ offices can obtain access to e-Campus Curriculum Management by contacting Enrollment Services.

Why is the Library Impact Statement required?

It is the University Libraries’ responsibility to assure that the University can meet the needs for materials and services required by new courses and programs. The Libraries work with faculty to evaluate the needs of new courses and programs in advance of their adoption. The Library Impact Statement (LIS) affords the opportunity for collaboration and prospective planning to the University, its faculty, and its students. Click here for more on the Library Impact Statement.

What’s in a title?

Keep it brief. The title is limited to 50 characters; the abbreviated title, used on the student’s transcript, is limited to 29 characters.  Do NOT use the word “Topics” in the title unless the course is a Topics course (see item above). Use “Subjects” or “Issues” instead.

How do I write an effective course description?

Course descriptions are written for students, not faculty, and must communicate clearly and concisely to them. Jargon, acronyms, and technical language should be avoided as much as possible. Anyone should be able to read the description and understand the nature and intent of the course.

An acceptable course description with a maximum of 30 words, begins with a verb, e.g. examines, introduces, explores, investigates. Articles, adjectives and adverbs are seldom necessary. Sentence fragments are acceptable.

Not preferred – This course will introduce the basic concepts of journalism to majors. It will cover introductory material as it relates to the history of journalism, the role of journalism in a free society, and some of the ethical issues that contemporary practitioners face.

Preferred – Introduces basic concepts of journalism, including history, role of journalism in a free society and contemporary ethical issues.

What are the Curriculum Committees looking for in a course-ready syllabus?

A syllabus is required to demonstrate that the course is ready to be delivered. Syllabi must communicate clearly and fully to students. “Learning outcomes” should make it possible for anyone to understand what the course seeks to accomplish. Faculty should make expectations clear to students and provide a reasonable sense of the deadlines for work. How and when student work will be evaluated is also important. The statement of policies (e.g., attendance, plagiarism, inclusion, etc.), are in the best interest of students and instructors. For syllabus recommendations, refer to Syllabus Development on the website of the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.

How do I know if a proposed course might overlap with an existing course outside my department?

Consult the e-Campus Course Schedule or catalog to discern related offerings, or type in keywords in the search bar in Kuali Curriculum Management (CM) System. Communicate with colleagues in other departments/colleges. Contact department chairs or college curriculum committee members to discuss your proposed course idea. 

What are the approved methods of instruction?

The Curriculum and Standards Committee has developed a list of definitions for methods of instruction for courses. Consult this list when preparing your course proposal.

How do I share my draft with other colleagues to solicit feedback? 

In Kuali CM, select “Comments” in the right vertical menu; select the dialogue icon with the plus sign to add a comment.. Enter the individual’s name you wish to send a comment to, and write your request and select “Comment.” An email notification will be sent to the individual with a link to the proposal for them to view. You can also create a PDF of the proposal and email it to your colleague. 

What is the purpose of cross-listing a course?

The cross-listing of courses requires approval by the departments and college(s) concerned prior to submission to the Curriculum and Standards Committee, General Education Committee and/or the Graduate Council. Cross-listing of courses will be considered when each of the departments has a substantive role in delivering the course or when a department is willing to use the course for its major. Such a role may include but shall not be limited to team teaching the course, instructional staff from each department in different semesters, and other similar arrangements.

How do I propose an open-ended Topics course?

A new open-ended topics course is a NEW COURSE. Propose the course code, course number, and title of the topics “shell” for the first offering of an open-ended topics course by selecting and using the appropriate NEW COURSE Proposal form along with the syllabus for at least one topic.  Subsequent to the establishment of the topics course “shell,” additional topics may be scheduled through Enrollment Services using this form. Approval by the department chair and college dean are required for each topic. Specific topics may be offered three times. After three offerings, the topic may not be offered unless it is approved through the appropriate channels as either a permanent course or as a permanent topic within an open-ended course and shall be included in the catalog. Departments are encouraged to include recurring topics in the open-ended course description.

How do I know when my course proposal has been approved?

You will receive a notification from Kuali CM when your course proposal has been approved. To see the status of your proposal, navigate to your Kuali CM dashboard and select your proposal. Select “expand” to see previous steps in the workflow and what steps are still required

For proposals prior to May 20, 2022, check the Proposal Tracker found on the Faculty Senate website

New Temporary Courses (“X” Course)

Temporary courses, also referred to as X courses (e.g., JOR 322X), may be offered no more than twice during the two-year period following their approval.  Temporary courses must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. a) experimental in nature, innovative, using unconventional devices or pedagogical methods, course materials, approach to course content or student-teacher relationships;
  2. b) being tried on a temporary basis so that its value and effectiveness can be tested before it is added to a department’s permanent curriculum;
  3. c) intended for a limited duration, such as in the case of employing a visiting specialist temporarily available or to satisfy temporary needs and interests of students or to deal with timely issues (University Manual 8.80.12).


Indicate on the Kuali CM new course form that the course is a Temporary X Course.

Like new permanent courses, Temporary “X” courses require a

  • Course ready Syllabus
  • Library Impact Statement (LIS)

If applicable upload to Kuali CM:

  • Agreement(s) or acknowledgement(s) from other department(s)/college(s), re: cross-listing or overlap of content
  • Updated Curriculum Sheet or Academic Map with NEW COURSE indicated in tracked changes tracked changes

If the new course will result in changes for a program of major, a separate proposal for a program (or specialization)  form must be submitted through the Kuali CM.

Proposals must be approved by:

  • Chair, Department/Program
  • Chair, College Curriculum Committee
  • Dean, College

Proposals are forwarded electronically to the Faculty Senate Office from the college curriculum committee (through Google Shared Drive).  The Faculty Senate Office will forward them to the Curriculum and Standards Committee or Graduate Council.  The Faculty Senate Office will accept only electronic proposals with digital signatures.

Prior to Curriculum and Standards Committee/Graduate Council action, proposed TEMPORARY COURSES are published on the last work day of the month in the Temporary Course Newsletter. Proposals must be received by the 25th of the month to be published in that month’s newsletter. Faculty members have 7 days to register comments with the Curriculum and Standards Committee/Graduate Council chair.

Temporary Course to Permanent

Temporary courses, also referred to as X courses (e.g., JOR 322X), may be offered no more than twice during the two-year period following their approval.  To continue to offer a temporary course after the second offering, the course must be re-proposed as a permanent course.  To convert a temporary course to a permanent course, submit a new course proposal through Kuali CM. Indicate the intention clearly on the form and provide in the rationale:

  • Enrollment(s) and grade distribution for the temporary course
  • Evaluation of the temporary course; highlight changes and discuss, or provide an explanation if no changes.

Don’t forget to include:

  • Course-ready Syllabus
  • Acknowledgement(s) from other department(s)/college(s), as applicable (re: cross-listing or overlap of content)
  • Library Impact Statement
  • Updated Curriculum Sheet or Academic Map with NEW COURSE indicated in Track Changes

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