† Authors listed alphabetically after first author
‡ Papers with undergraduate co-authors

  • Preisser, E.L., Dugaw, C.J., Dennis, B., and D.R. Strong. 2005. Long-term survival of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus. Environmental Entomology 34(6): 1501-1506. [PDF]
  • Dugaw, C.J., Preisser, E.L, Hastings, A.M., and D. R. Strong. 2005. Widening the windows of persistence in seasonal microparasite-host systems. Theoretical Population Biology 68(4): 267-276. [PDF]
  • Bolnick, D.I., and E.L. Preisser. 2005. Resource competition modifies the strength of trait-mediated predator-prey interactions. Ecology 86(10): 2771-2779. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Bolnick, D.I., and M.F. Benard. 2005. Scared to death? The effects of intimidation and consumption in predator-prey interactions. Ecology 86(2): 501-509. [PDF]
  • Eng, M.S, Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2005. Phoresy of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus by a non-host organism, the isopod Porcellio scaber. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 88: 173-176. ‡ [PDF]