Mary Cappello


Mary Cappello’s five books of literary nonfiction include a book-length essay on awkwardness, Awkward: A Detour (a Los Angeles Times Bestseller); Called Back (winner of a ForeWord Book of the Year Award, and Independent Publishers Prize); and, Swallow based on the Chevalier Jackson Foreign Body Collection in Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum. Life Breaks In: A Mood Almanack, a multi-genre meditation on the ineffable subject of mood and its affinities with clouds, sonic atmospheres, 3-D phenomena, and dioramas will appear this October from the University of Chicago Press. With recent essays in Salmagundi, TriQuarterly, and Cabinet Magazine, and with features in The New York Times,, The Huffington Post, on NPR and MSNBC, she is the recipient of The Bechtel Prize for Educating the Imagination; the Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize; a Guggenheim Fellowship in Nonfiction; and a 2015 Berlin Prize. Cappello is a former Fulbright Lecturer at the Gorky Literary Institute (Moscow), and currently Professor of English and creative writing at the University of Rhode Island.