Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

New Permanent Face-to Face (f2f) Courses

A NEW PERMANENT FACE-to-FACE (f2f) COURSE is one that is to be delivered on campus. Web enhanced courses are also considered to be an f2f course where less than 25% of the course is delivered online with a Learning Management System. See online definitions for more information. 

All new course proposals require a course ready syllabus, which is uploaded within the electronic proposal form. See the Office for Advancement for Teaching and Learning (ATL) for more information about course design and writing a syllabus

New courses also require a Library Impact Statement (LIS). The proposer may request the LIS from the subject selector by going to the University Libraries webpage. After receiving the LIS the proposer uploads the document within the electronic proposal form. Or, the proposer can complete the LIS Request within the CMS and the Subject Selector Librarian will upload the LIS to the system on behalf of the proposer.  

Proposers are responsible for determining the impact a new course will have on students within the program as well as other departments and colleges. For courses that present a possible overlap of content with other courses, or when the new course is to be cross-listed an acknowledgement statement or “overlap statement” is requested. Proposers are encouraged to share their syllabus and proposal with Department Chairs, Program Directors, or College Deans and request a statement via email. That response, converted to a PDF document, can be uploaded within the CMS. Curriculum Committees may request acknowledgement statements at any point during the workflow of the proposal. 

When a new course is required for an existing program, an updated Curriculum Worksheet is requested with the new course indicated in tracked changes to demonstrate how the new course will impact the program and verify that faculty know how to adjust the program accordingly. A program change proposal will also need to be completed separately from within the CMS. A note to reviewers when the program change proposal will be submitted is appreciated. 

Proposals must be approved by the Department or Program Chair, the College Curriculum Committee, and the College Dean or their designee, before being considered at the Faculty Senate level.

Approvals within the Kuali Curriculum Management System (CMS) by Chairs and Deans holds the power of a signature that verifies: a) factually accurate information, b) authorization of proposed staffing, and c) all possible curricular impacts both within and outside of the originating department have been considered.

Proposals are routed through the CMS through an electronic workflow. At various points in the workflow, the proposal is routed to the Faculty Senate Office to vet proposals for complete information or provide proposer access to correct any minor errors and/or address friendly amendments made by Curriculum Committees. To monitor progress of your proposal, see your CMS dashboard. 


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