Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Procedures for Completing Program Proposals

Refer to FORMS to determine the correct form for the nature of the proposal.


Step 1: JCAP Review
Prior to developing a complete proposal for a new academic program, a brief Pre-Proposal Form describing the program and its likelihood of success, centrality to the mission of the university, and consistency with the Academic Strategic Plan shall be completed by the proposer(s). It will be provided by the proposer(s), department chair(s) (if applicable) and academic dean(s) to the Joint Committee on Academic Planning (JCAP) for review. If the program is not consistent with the Academic Strategic Plan, the proposer(s) will be urged to reconsider the idea and may submit a revised pre-proposal. All communications between JCAP and proposer(s) will be copied to the appropriate coordinating and review committee. While JCAP endorsement is not required for the proposer(s) to continue development of the complete proposal, it is strongly recommended. (University Manual 8.85.14)

Submit the JCAP Pre-Proposal Form with all appropriate signatures to the Faculty Senate Office at jlawrence@uri.edu.

Step 2: Department/College level

Part A: Assessment Plan
While the complete proposal is being developed within the college, the proposer(s) shall seek consultation with the Office of Student Learning, Outcomes Assessment, and Accreditation (SLOAA) to prepare a Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan for student learning assessment. Following consultation, the proposer(s) shall submit a final draft of their Plan to the Chair of the Learning Outcomes Oversight Committee (LOOC) for approval. A completed and approved Form fulfills the learning outcomes assessment expectations (items E3 and E5, FULL and ABBREVIATED Forms, respectively).

Part B: Library Impact Statement
The proposer(s) shall obtain a library impact statement following proper review by the University Libraries and seek written comment from other university departments and programs perceived impacted by the proposal.

Part C: Budget Form or Statement of No Financial Impact
FULL Form:
complete the Budget Form (select Academic Program Change Forms) (see also Budget Form Instructions). Subsequent review and verification by the URI Budget and Financial Planning Office is required.

ABBREVIATED Form: request a Statement of No Financial Impact from the URI Budget and Financial Planning Office.

For URI Budget and Financial Planning Office review, submit the following proposal materials:

  • JCAP Pre-proposal and response (if applicable)
  • Complete Proposal with:

Learning Outcomes Plan
Library Impact Statement
Comments from Impacted Department(s)

  • Budget Form (if requesting new funds on a FULL Form)
  • Request for Statement of No Financial Impact (if asserting no need for new funds on an ABBREVIATED Form)

To the following Budget Personnel:

  • Linda Barrett, Director, Budget & Financial Planning
  • Cheryl Hinkson, Associate Director, Budget & Financial Planning
  • Colleen Robillard, Budget Specialist, Financial Analysis

Note: Turn-around for budget evaluations is approximately 2 weeks. Submission of fully completed proposals will improve turn-around.

Part D: Approvals
Following completion of Parts A – C, the proposal shall be approved in accordance with the college’s established procedures, including approval of the dean, prior to submission to the Faculty Senate Office (through SAKAI) for forwarding to the appropriate coordinating and review committee. If more than one college is proposing the new program, approval must be obtained from each college prior to submission.

Step 3. Prepare the URI Program Proposal Cover Form (see Cover Form Instructions)

Step 4. Subsequent to college and dean’s level approvals, the complete proposal package, including Budget Form and URI Budget and Financial Planning Office review, shall be submitted electronically to the Faculty Senate Office (through SAKAI) for forwarding to the appropriate coordinating and review committee (Curricular Affairs or Graduate Council). The Faculty Senate Office cannot accept an incomplete proposal. Errors in the proposal will delay advancement to the appropriate review committee.

Proposal package:

  • URI Program Proposal Cover Form
  • JCAP Pre-proposal and response (if applicable)
  • Complete Proposal with

Learning Outcomes Plan
Library Impact Statement
Comments from Impacted Department(s)

  • Budget Forms (if requesting new funds on a FULL Form)
  • Statement of No Financial Impact from URI Budget and Financial Planning Office (if no new funds are requested, using ABBREVIATED Form)

Step 5. Subsequent to Curricular Affairs or Graduate Council approval, the proposal is presented to the Faculty Senate for approval.

Step 6. The proposal is reviewed in the Provost’s Office, signed by the President, and submitted to the RI Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner. Additional clarification of the proposal might be solicited by the Commissioner’s Office during its review.

Step 7. The Commissioner presents the proposal to the Council on Postsecondary Education. Proposers may be asked to attend the meeting to answer any questions of the Council.

Step 8. The proposer(s) is/are notified that the proposal appeared on the agenda of a meeting of the Council on Postsecondary Education and program implementation may proceed.

Complete the Form and obtain approvals in accordance with the college’s established procedures (department, college, dean). The Form and any supplementary materials shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate Office (through SAKAI) for forwarding to the appropriate coordinating and review committee. If more than one department or college is submitting the proposal, approvals must be obtained from all involved prior to submission to the coordinating and review committee. The Faculty Senate Office cannot accept an incomplete proposal. Errors in the proposal will delay advancement to the appropriate review committee.

The proposal is presented to the Faculty Senate for approval, reviewed in the Provost’s Office, signed by the President, and submitted to the Office of the Commissioner of Postsecondary Education. Additional clarification of the proposal might be solicited by the Commissioner’s Office during its review. The Commissioner presents the proposal to the Council on Postsecondary Education. Proposers may be asked to attend the meeting to answer any questions of the Council. The proposer(s) is/are notified that the proposal appeared on the agenda of a meeting of the Council on Postsecondary Education and program implementation may proceed.

Complete the Form and obtain approvals in accordance with the college’s established procedures (department, college, dean). The Form and any supplementary materials shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate Office (through SAKAI) for forwarding to the appropriate coordinating and review committee. If more than one department or college is submitting the proposal, approvals must be obtained from all involved prior to submission to the coordinating and review committee. The Faculty Senate Office cannot accept an incomplete proposal. Errors in the proposal will delay advancement to the appropriate review committee. The proposal is presented to the Faculty Senate for approval, reviewed in the Provost’s Office for completion, and signed by the President. Once approved by the President, program implementation may proceed.

Note: Proposals may be returned at any stage for correction, clarification, or revision.

URI’s procedures for the Establishment of Centers are outlined in sections 8.90.10-22 of the University Manual.

Full Organizational Unit Form
Abbreviated Organizational Unit Form
Notice of Change in Organizational Unit Form

Budget Format (click on Academic Program Change Forms)
Budget Instructions

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