Human Resource Administration

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: July, 1983



 To establish an equitable procedure for employees holding positions in classes not in a bargaining unit to resolve grievances.


 A grievance is a wrong, real or fancied, considered as grounds for compliant.


 All employees holding positions in classes not in a bargaining unit.


 1. Grievance Procedure – Step One:

 An aggrieved employee brings the grievance to the attention of the immediate supervisor within five (5) working days of knowledge of the occurrence. The immediate supervisor makes every effort to settle the grievance by informal discussion within one (1) working day.

2. Grievance Procedure – Step Two:

 If the grievance is not settled by informal discussion as required in Step One, the employee reduces the grievance to writing, using the UPS -11 Form, available at the URI Office of Human Resource Administration. The written grievance is submitted to the department head concerned, who renders a decision in writing within three (3) working days.

3. Grievance Procedure – Step Three:

 If the grievance is not settled in Step Two, the employee submits the grievance in writing on the reverse side of the USP -11 Form to the appropriate Vice President, or his designee, who renders a decision in writing within five (5) working days.

4. Grievance Procedure – Step Four:

If the grievance is not settled at Step Three, the employee submits the written grievance containing the decisions rendered at Step Two and Three to the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration, acting as designee within five (5) working days. The written decision is attached to the grievance form and forwarded directly to the employee with copies to supervisors involved in the first three steps.


1. Time limits may be extended by mutual agreement.

 2. Aggrieved employees may be represented by anyone.

 3. The grievance may be taken directly to the Director of Employee Relations without jeopardizing the right to submit a formal grievance should the resolution offered not be acceptable.

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