Human Resource Administration

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: July, 1983



To state policies and rules prescribed by the State Controller and by the University concerning limited-period positions and to establish a consistent policy for said positions.


Non-classified staff (not applicable to faculty).


1. It is the responsibility of the employee and the Dean, Director or
Department Head to familiarize themselves with said policy and to
complete USP-4, acceptance of appointment.

2. It is the responsibility of the Dean, Director or Department Head to
submit paper work at least two (2) pay periods (4 weeks) in advance, if
the appointment is to be extended.

3. It is the employee’s responsibility to make arrangements to meet with the Office of Human Resources Benefit Office if the position is at least 20 hours a week and for at least 6 months in duration to sign up for health insurance.


A limited-period position is one which is scheduled to end on the date specified on the appointment request form including Request to Fill (RF-1), Position Action Form (PAF), Employee Action Form (EAF), Vacancy Notice, and CS-3, known as the ending date. All grant-funded and overhead-funded positions shall be considered limited-period positions.


 1. TERMINATION – An employee in a limited-period position will be
automatically terminated on the specified date unless notice to
reappoint is received at least two pay periods (four weeks) in advance.
Delays in processing a completed Employee Action Form (EAF) used to request
reappointment, will always result in a delayed paycheck.

2. BENEFITS – Employees in limited-period positions of less than six (6)
months are not entitled to benefits.

Limited staff appointments, at least twenty (20) hours per week, with appointments for six months or more will be eligible for fringe benefits immediately when placed on the regular bi-weekly payroll.

Limited staff appointments, at least twenty (20) hours per week, for less than six months, will not be eligible for fringe benefits. If their appointment is subsequently extended to or beyond a six month duration, fringe benefits will be accrued effective the date the extension is processed.

Vacation and sick leave accruals would be retroactive to the start of the appointment.


1. The Dean, Director or Department Head must process a Position Action Form (PAF) if the position is currently vacant in the event that an appointment is to be extended. If the position is currently filled, an Employee Action Form (EAF) must be processed. Neither of these actions are processed automatically.

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Think Big, We Do.
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