19-370 Reserve parking area

Up to 15% of total required parking spaces may be held in reserve within landscaped area until needed. A parking management plan is required.
Sec. 19-370. Reserve parking area for business/technology development.
(a) For a business/technology development as defined in section 19-1, up to 15 percent of the total parking spaces required under section 19-284 may be held in reserve only upon review and approval under the provisions of this article. Such reserve parking area shall be maintained as a landscaped area until such time as the zoning officer and/or the property owner, in consultation with the director of planning, deems that construction of the reserve parking spaces is required.
(b) The applicant for such a parking reduction shall provide a parking management plan (PMP), which shall provide justification that the number of parking spaces to be supplied will exceed peak parking demand. The PMP shall be based upon nationally accepted methodology and standards for estimating parking demand and shall provide an estimate of peak parking generation based upon square footage, proposed uses, number of employees and all other applicable factors. The PMP should describe any factors which the applicant is utilizing to justify lowering of parking generation figures, such as: Any alternative modes of transportation, including carpools or vanpool; varied work shifts; use of company operated buses; and availability of public transit.
(c) The developer/applicant, and the property owner, where different, shall be required to sign a binding covenant, with the city a party thereto, to construct the reserve spaces when they are deemed required. Such covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon future landowners and shall be recorded in the city\’s land evidence records. Such covenant shall be subject to review and approval as to form by the city solicitor. The covenant will detail the conditions under which the city may require construction of the reserve parking spaces, including, but not limited to, on-going parking in unauthorized areas of the site, such as in aisles, driveways and in landscaped areas of a site, and unauthorized off-site parking.
(d) A request for approval of a reserve parking area shall be submitted and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of this article. A site plan meeting the requirements of article VIII shall be submitted which shall show the layout of all required parking spaces, aisles, landscaping and other applicable standards, and further shall show the reserve parking spaces in relation to the buildings which these spaces will serve. The reserve parking area, when constructed, shall be required to comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
(e) Drainage and erosion control plans and drainage calculations prepared by a professional engineer shall be submitted for the entire site and shall address how the stormwater runoff from the reserve parking area will be accommodated at such time as the reserve parking spaces are constructed. Since the reserve parking may be constructed when deemed necessary, this landscaped area shall be considered an interim use and shall be counted as impervious area for purposes of calculating the maximum impermeable surface permitted for the site as detailed in section 19-455, pertaining to drainage/erosion standards.
(Ch. 457, § X, 10-7-97)
Chapter 19 Zoning,
Article V Land Development Projects,
Section 19-370 Reserve parking area for business/technology development
Last Accessed: 2010-01-26