*with undergraduate co-authors; †With graduate student co-authors

  • Shi, X., Preisser, E.L., Liu, B.M., Pan, H.P., Xiang, M., Xie, W., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., Li, C., Lui, Y., Zhou, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang. 2019. Variation in both host defense and prior herbivory can alter plant-vector-virus interactions. BMC Plant Biology 19(1): 556. [PDF]
  • †*Baranowski, A.K., Conroy, C., Boettner, G., Elkinton, J.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2019. Reduced Compsilura concinnata parasitism of New England saturniid larvae. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(3): 346-349. [PDF]
  • †*Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E., Mallinger, M.M., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2019. Conifer responses to a stylet-feeding invasive herbivore and induction with methyl jasmonate: impact on the expression of induced defences and a native folivore. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(2): 227-234. [PDF]