ADVANCE reports data annually on broad institutional indicators. The benchmarks include data about the hiring, promotion, and retention of women STEM faculty, as well salary and space data when available.
Percent Female Hires
Pre-ADVANCE 2000-2003
Since ADVANCE 2003-2008
Climate Survey
The Academic Work Environment Survey was distributed to all URI faculty in 2004 with a follow-up survey distributed in 2007. The survey provided the foundation for change efforts by ADVANCE where they are needed. The survey also offers a tool to help departments promote equity, diversity, retention, and overall worker satisfaction. Preliminary results and an executive summary of the 2004 Academic Work Environment survey are available.
NSF Reports
ADVANCE submits a variety of reports to NSF. These include brief quarterly reports about accomplishments, challenges, and best ideas, more detailed annual reports, and other reports and summaries, such as interim reports and program highlights.
Program Evaluation
In an era marked by an emphasis on accountability, program evaluation is critical in providing an assessment of ADVANCE. Deborah Mathews and John Boulmetis from URI’s Center for Human Services have been contracted to assist in the design and implementation of an external program evaluation.
Papers and Presentation
ADVANCE has disseminated the findings about many key activities. Several papers have been accepted or submitted for publication, and others are in development. We maintain a list of presentations from various local, regional, and national organizations as well as information about upcoming presentations.