Equity Council

306 Green Hall 35 Campus Ave. Kingston, RI 02881


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Equity Council – About the Council

Description of the Council – as found in the University Manual (in press)

5.36.10 The Equity Council is a University-wide advisory and advocacy group for issues of diversity and equity for the entire University community. Its purpose is to provide a forum for University individuals, groups, committees, commissions, and offices that are active in University diversity and equity issues and to make recommendations to the President and the Chief Diversity Officer.

5.36.11 The President shall appoint in consultation with the Chief Diversity Officer the members from a list of nominees recommended by the Council including, but not limited to representing Diversity Commissions, College and Divisional Committees, Student Affairs, Housing and Residential Life, Talent Development, Human Resource Administration, the Chaplain’s Association, Diversity Centers, the Work-Life Committee, Communications, the Student Senate and the Graduate Student Association.

5.36.12 Members serve for three-year terms and shall be appointed on a staggered basis.

5.36.13 The co-chairs shall be recommended by the membership and appointed by the President in consultation with the Chief Diversity Officer. The term of the co-chairs shall be for two years.

5.36.14 The Council shall meet at least once each month during the academic year. The Co-Chairs shall be responsible for preparing the agenda and calling the meetings, with notification to members of at least one week in advance.

5.36.15 Meetings of the Council are open to all community members who have an interest in matters of equity and diversity.

5.36.16 The Council shall meet with the Chief Diversity Officer regularly to discuss progress on recommendations and emerging issues.


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