The Advance Project

Enhancing the academic careers of women in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics

Enhancing the academic careers of women in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

During: Advertising the Position to Build a Candidate Pool



Why / Research Rationale

Identify national pools of qualified candidates.


Contact individuals or institutions that are especially successful at producing underrepresented candidates.


Enlist colleagues to find & contact potential candidates.


Contact relevant professional organizations for rosters of underrepresented PhD recipients.


Consider candidates from a wide range of career paths & institutions.


Review your departmental website.


To avoid incorrectly & negatively judging underrepresented candidates : Your reliance on candidates to self-promote may back-fire on you. Gender, and possibly race, schema research shows that underrepresented candidates who are perceived as competent because of their ability to self-promote are also perceived as violating gender/race stereotypes and thus judged to be socially deficient and less hireable (Rudman, 1998; Rudman & Glick, 1999). Thus, your active attempts to reach and recruit candidates, rather than passively relying on them to impress you, reduces the chances of you making wrong decisions.


Job seekers prefer organizations that:

  • Have easy to read, attractive web pages (Zusman & Landis, 2002).
  • Through their web site provide specific, detailed, and relevant information both about the posted job and the organization (Zusman & Landis, 2002).
  • Try to sell themselves to a potential applicant rather those who try to screen out unwanted applicants (Williamson, Lepak, & King, 2003).
  • Provide sufficient information about the organization and persuade applicants to generate favorable perceptions of what the organization may offer them (Roberson, Collins, & Oreg, 2005).
  • Endorse and harbor diversity at all organizational levels – versus displaying tokenism at lower levels – and demonstrate those attitudes in their recruitment websites. Support of diversity increases organizational attractiveness for underrepresented populations while leaving organization perceptions unaffected for White male applicants (Avery, 2003).
  • Not only express their desire to harbor diversity but also reveal their motives for doing so (Avery & McKay, 2006).

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