Emergency Medical Services

6 Butterfield Rd. Kingston, RI 02881

uriems@uriems.orgPhone: (401)-874-5255 Fax: (401)-874-4871

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

What do I have to do?

Active Member

To be an Active Member with URI EMS, we require the following:

  • Minimum of six (6) day hours per week (anywhere from 7a-7p)

  • Attend a monthly meeting (usually the second Thursday of every month)
  • Attend one major formal training per month

That’s it! Most members usually also sign up for a Night Team, which is a scheduled shift from 7p to 7a the next day and also attend several more formal/informal trainings on their own.

While you are on duty, you may respond with the Rescue to medical calls and assist the duty crew with treating patients as you learn. There is always a fully-qualified trained person on every call to help guide you. See “A Day in the Life” for more information or click Sign Up to join!

Supporting Member

If you have a special skill or talent that you would like to contribute to URI EMS as a volunteer, please let us know! We are always looking for help with administrative, technical or other expert/professional areas!


  • DO NOT MOVE THE PATIENT unless the area is not safe (fire, etc)
  • Dial 401-874-2121 from your cell phone or 4-2121 from a university phone
  • Tell the dispatcher your name, location and a telephone number you can be reached at. Be as precise as possible.
  • Describe to the best of your knowledge what happened & how.
  • Do not hang up until the dispatcher hangs up first.
  • Clear the area of people who are not relatives or witnesses.
  • Have someone await the arrival of the ambulance at the entrance to guide the ambulance crew in.
  • Ensure that all access paths are clear for the ambulance crew.

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The University of Rhode Island
Think Big, We Do.
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