What is Coaching?

Gallup defines coaching as “a person who invests in and interacts with an individual, partnership, or team for the primary purpose of stimulating, motivating, and facilitating [their] growth, development, and performance.” We’re here to help you fully understand your strengths profile, how it influences who you are, and help you become better at being who you naturally are.


Our Coaches work within the guidelines of the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics

Our Gallup-Certified Strengths Coaches go through a certification process that includes an intensive Gallup Global Strengths Coach course, passing an exam, and coaching several individuals who then provide evaluation of coaching skills through Gallup’s system. Coaches must go through the Gallup recertification process every two years. Our Coaches may also engage in training and continuing education with Gallup, other organizations, and pursuing and/or maintaining credentials through the International Coaching Federation, the leading global organization for coaches and the coaching profession. 


The Coach-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions) and thus communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. While our Coaches will not disclose any information pertaining to the student clients without their written consent, except in cases that such confidentiality would violate the law (e.g., jeopardize the safety of the client or others), where communications may be disclosed to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

The process for ICF credentials requires the names and contact information of all clients for possible verification. If such cases arise, only your name, contact information and start and end dates of coaching are shared with ICF staff members and/or other parties involved in this process for the sole and necessary purpose of verifying the coaching relationship. No personal notes will be shared.

Topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training, supervision, mentoring, evaluation, and for coach professional development and/or consultation purposes.