Cultural Minutes 1-23-2012

Cultural Affairs Minutes

January 23, 2012

Meeting Start Time: 1:05pm

Meetings from this semester will be Mondays at 1pm in room 301

Annie Russell is the new LGBTQ Director, great person, very enthusiastic

Planning on taking a Cultural trip to the LGBTQ center to meet everyone, build connections

Timeline for the Guyana project- work on next meeting

Ace of Cakes in place of Gingerbread houses

Advertisement for Senate recognized groups

Amanda Studley will be joining us for the planning and to generally be on our committee

Sign up list at President’s meeting in February

Rammies timeline- start delegating tasks

Display boards-replace with updated information

Seminar learned activity: “Who are you?”- Diversity week event?

People answer with adjectives who they are, hobby/passion, what do you aspire to be

30 seconds of explaining who you are on the “hot seat”

Little steps from survey to continue our goal towards diversity

Liaison connections- use to help

Program at MCC- TV Show, channel hosted by students for promoting diversity and bridging the gaps, bringing people together

Looking for students to help

Meeting Adjourn: 1:45pm