Call for Proposals: Innovative Education Conference

The Office for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning (ATL), an office within the Provost’s Office at the University of Rhode Island, invites proposals for the annual URI Innovative Education Conference (IEC), which will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. 

Our theme for 2025 is “Navigating Wicked Problems Through Higher Education”. ATL encourages submissions that create opportunities for critical and creative thinking about ways we can increase student learning and faculty success in teaching within today’s colleges and universities. Proposals may focus on innovative approaches to teaching, learning, and faculty success in all modalities (in-person, online, blended) within a higher education context. 

We will accept proposals through Monday, January 6, 2025 via the form below.

Submit proposal


This year, ATL is supporting five conference tracks: 

  • Online and blended learning
  • Lessons learned using generative artificial intelligence in the classroom
  • Inclusive and accessible teaching
  • Amplifying evidence-based teaching through assessment and/or Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the course or program level
  • Supporting faculty vitality and well-being

To guide your proposal submission, please see the following descriptions of the presentation formats and proposed criteria. 

Submissions will be accepted in four formats:  

Presentation (50 minutes)

The presenter(s) will have 40-45 minutes to share their information with the audience. In the time remaining, the audience may ask questions and a facilitated discussion may occur. 

Roundtable/Panel (50 minutes) 

Roundtables are oral presentations and/or discussions with the audience/attendees about a chosen topic. Roundtable presenters should be prepared with targeted questions to post to those in attendance in order to develop a rich discussion and create a co-learning experience. Roundtables are an ideal format for networking around a topic and developing in-depth discussion on a subject. 

Poster Session

Posters provide an opportunity for select presenter(s) to demonstrate their work. Presenters will share their poster information in a designated virtual room. Please be aware that attendees could enter designated virtual space at any time. 

Workshop (110 minutes) 

Workshop presentations are an opportunity for the presenter(s) to engage the participants in a more involved, longer and deeper exploration of a topic. In a typical workshop, the presenter(s) could lead the audience through an examination of the topic through sharing information at first, then support a participant discussion, and then guide everyone through a learning activity for 60-70 minutes. The remaining time could then be used for questions, reflection, and closing remarks. 

See the Scoring Rubric

See the proposal scoring rubric for information about what to include in a great submission.

Submit proposal