Facilitated Mid-Semester Feedback

Alumni of HIT seminars can invite an ATL facilitator to visit your class for 30-45 minutes to elicit feedback from your students about their learning experience. 

The Process

The Mid-Semester Feedback process asks students to focus on three questions:

  1. What is really working for you that helps you learn in this course?
  2. What improvements could be made in the course?
  3. What can you as students do to improve the course? 

For Courses with Fewer than 40 Students

Duration: One 30-40 minute session

Students answer the three questions individually, work in small groups to come to consensus around their top three answers for each, and then rate their individual agreement or disagreement to suggestions from all groups in the course.

For Courses with More than 40 Students

Duration: Two 15-minute sessions

In the first session, students answer the three questions individually.  The results are analyzed by our office, and most common answers are identified. In the second session, students rate their individual agreement or disagreement to common answers identified through content analysis.

Follow-Up Meeting

Following the visit, you and the facilitator meet to review the feedback and develop an action plan. In addition, you will receive documentation to include in your dossier and portfolio. Email teach@uri.edu to find out more and to set up a visit.

See It in Action