Annemarie Vaccaro

  • Faculty Development Affiliate
  • College of Education and Professional Studies
  • Email:


In my role as a faculty development affiliate, I look forward to working with colleagues who are interested in becoming more inclusive educators. I have always been passionate about enacting social justice in scholarship and teaching. My goal is to create spaces of inclusion and empowerment for all students. To do this, I draw upon rich bodies of scholarship such as: inclusive pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, critical race pedagogy, transgressive education, and transformative learning. A related area of interest for me is the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)—especially the scholarship of social justice teaching and learning. Thus, in addition to serving as a resource for inclusive teaching, I am happy to chat with colleagues about conducting socially just and inclusive SoTL. For more information about my work visit my faculty page or check out the Inclusion Workshops for Faculty flyer.