Kate Perzanowski
Kate Perzanowski started working in the bee lab summer 2023 looking at the visitation of bumble bees to various clover species and self heal. She also assisted with evaluating planted pollinator meadows. Kate most enjoyed looking for megachilid bees while surveying. In her free time, Kate likes to crochet, read, and spend time in nature.

Abby Gill
Abby Gill was the Bee Lab’s 2024 Coastal & Environmental Fellow with support from Jen Nauck and Eben Horton, The Glass Station. She researched cranberry pollination in cultivated and wild bogs, and helped with NRCS bee surveys. Abby’s favorite part of the lab was getting to learn something new every day. In her free time, she enjoys rock climbing and hiking around New England.

Katherine Zmich
Kate Zmich worked in Dr. Steven Alm’s Bee Lab through the Coastal and Environmental Fellowship Program for the summer of 2023 with support from Jen Nauck and Eben Horton, The Glass Station. She assisted with a variety of research projects, including Julia Vieira’s clover project, water-collecting behavior of honey bees, and varroa mite management. Her favorite part of working in the lab is catching and holding male bumble bees. Outside of work, Kate enjoys going to the beach, thrifting, and gardening for family and friends.