From 2019-2021, 9,546 bumble bees of eight species were observed or collected at 111 survey sites in Rhode Island. The most abundant species was B. impatiens (6,483), followed by B. griseocollis (1,431), B. bimaculatus (1,031), B. vagans/sandersoni (308), B. perplexus (208), B. fervidus (40), B. vagans (22), B. sandersoni (13), B. auricomus Robertson (1 – a new state record). Among the 12 historical Bombus species documented from Rhode Island, B. affinis Cresson, B. citrinus Smith, B. pensylvanicus DeGeer, B. ternarius Say, or B. terricola Kirby were not found in our survey, suggesting rarity or current absence. Bombus species richness was highest on Monarda fistulosa L., Trifolium pratense L., and Lavandula angustifolia Mill, and M. fistulosa had the highest bee visitations.