CELS Bylaws

College of the Environment and Life Sciences Bylaws Adopted December 12, 2012 (as amended of December 12, 2024) Download Bylaws

Table of Contents

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1.1 The name of this college at the University of Rhode Island shall be The College of the Environment and Life Sciences (CELS).

1.2 Vision and Mission Statements

1.2.1 The Vision Statement of CELS is as follows:

We will be a national leader among colleges specializing in environmental and life sciences, environmental management, policy, and design. Adopted 16 November 2006

1.2.2 The Mission Statement of CELS is as follows:

We strive for excellence in teaching, research and service. We prepare our students with the skills, knowledge and insight to address the challenges of today’s world and support their development as lifelong learners. We foster collaboration among our undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty in experiential learning and provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge beyond the University. We address contemporary problems through innovative, relevant and scholarly research. We extend our research-based knowledge through community engagement in the tradition of our Land Grant and Sea Grant heritage and are dedicated to outreach and service to our state, national, and global community. Adopted 16 November 2006.

1.3 Departments of CELS. The College of the Environment and Life Sciences has the following departments (University Manual Section 3.21.17):

1.3.1 Biological Sciences

1.3.2 Cell and Molecular Biology

1.3.3 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

1.3.4 Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Science

1.3.5 Geosciences

1.3.6 Landscape Architecture

1.3.7 Marine Affairs

1.3.8 Natural Resources Science

1.3.9 Plant Sciences and Entomology

1.4 Undergraduate Education – The undergraduate programs are administered by the Office of Student Affairs of CELS.

1.4.1 Bachelor of Arts Degree – A four-year undergraduate degree offered by the Departments of Biological Sciences and Marine Affairs in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences under the auspices of the Basic Liberal Studies Program.

1.4.2 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture –A four-year undergraduate degree offered by the Department of Landscape Architecture.

1.4.2 Bachelor of Science Degree – A four-year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. The departments offering Bachelor of Science degree programs in the College include all departments of CELS.

1.4.3 Professionally Accredited Undergraduate Programs – Degree programs offered by CELS that are ac- credited by professional accrediting organizations are:

a) The Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences

b) The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture accredited by the American Society of Landscape Architects.

1.5 Graduate Education – Graduate programs in the College are administered by the Graduate School in coordination with CELS, its departments and graduate study specialization groups.

1.5.1 Graduate Certificates – CELS offers Graduate Certificate programs in various specialized topics

1.5.2 Master of Marine Affairs Degree – Offered by the Department of Marine Affairs

1.5.3 Master of Environmental Science and Management Degree – Joint program among CELS departments.

1.5.4 Master of Arts Degree – Offered by the Department of Marine Affairs

1.5.5 Master of Science Degree – Offered by CELS under the auspices of the Biological and Environmental Sciences Program and the Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Program. A Master of Science degree is also offered in Medical Laboratory Science/Cytopathology.

1.5.6 Doctor of Philosophy Degrees – CELS offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biological and Environmental Sciences. The Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and the Department of Marine Affairs offer Ph.D. degrees in their specific disciplines.

1.5.7 Professionally Accredited Graduate Programs – Graduate programs offered by CELS that are accredited by professional accrediting organizations are:

a) The Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science/Cytopathology Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.

1.5.8 The Coordinator of Graduate Studies for CELS shall be appointed by the Dean from the Graduate Faculty

1.6 Research – Research is conducted in all academic departments of CELS in accord with objectives of the mission of the University as a Land Grant and Sea Grant Institution and in accord with the objectives of the Council for Research (Faculty Senate Bylaws Sections 4.55 through 4.58). Emphasis is on research in environmental protection and preservation, biological systems, biomedical sciences, natural resource management and sustainable agriculture.

1.6.1 Agricultural Experiment Station – The Agricultural Experiment Station is a cooperative endeavor between the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA; a division of the US Department of Agriculture [USDA]) and the University of Rhode Island. It is responsible for the assigned research of the College and funds a portion of that research (University Manual Section 3.52.10 and General Laws of Rhode Island Chapter 2-2 and Sections16-32-3 and 16-32-4).

1.6.2 Agricultural Experiment Station Research – Employs both State and Federal funds authorized under the Hatch Act of 1887 and the McIntire-Stennis Act of 1962 to support a program of peer- reviewed projects requiring both local and USDA approval. Some projects are regional (multi-state) projects in which two or more states cooperate, some are integrated (shared project responsibilities with extension or outreach and some are both regional and integrated (University Manual Section 3.52.10 and General Laws of Rhode Island Section 16-32-6).

1.6.3 Other Funded Research – Scientists are encouraged to seek external funds to support research. The sources are primarily federal, with some state and private support. The primary federal sources include (but are not limited to): the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, USDA, the National Institutes for Health, and the Agency for International Development. Scientists also are encouraged to collaborate with industry and to secure patents.

1.6.4 Research Centers Institutes and Partnerships – Research Centers, Institutes and Partnerships authorized and governed under the provisions of the University Manual Section 8-90-10 et seq. that have CELS faculty and professional staff involvement:

a) Centers and Institutes with primary administrative responsibility assigned by the University to CELS are as follows:

1) Biotechnology Center (University Manual Section 3.68.10)

2) Center for Vector-Borne Diseases (University Manual Sections 3.90.10 to 12)

3) Institute for Immunology and Informatics (I’Cubed) (University Manual Section 3.91.10)

b) Centers and Institutes with primary administration outside of CELS in which CELS Faculty and Professional Staff are professionally engaged in support of the Mission of the College are as follows:

1) Rhode Island Water Resources Center (University Manual Section 3.58.10)

2) Feinstein Center for a Hunger Free America (University Manual Section 3.59.10)

3) Sea Grant College Program and its associated Marine Advisory Service (University Manual Sections 3.60.10 and 3.63.10)

4) Coastal Resources Center (University Manual Section 3.65.10)

5) Coastal Institute (University Manual Section 3.84.10)

6) Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting (University Manual Section 3.97.10)

1.6.5 Administrative Cost Centers – Administrative cost centers may be established by the College in support of research, teaching and outreach with the purpose of managing shared-use high-cost capital equipment, infrastructure and facilities. A list of active Administrative Cost Centers in CELS shall be maintained on the College website.

1.7 Rhode Island Cooperative Extension – Cooperative Extension is the educational extension/outreach program administered by CELS and is a Land Grant Program funded through NIFA as authorized by the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, as amended, in cooperation with the State of Rhode Island and the University. Rhode Island Cooperative Extension has an extensive program of educational public service, based on agreement with NIFA. (Rhode Island General Laws Chapter 2-3 and University Manual Section 3.51.10)

1.7.1 Rhode Island Cooperative Extension shall maintain liaison with the Council for Outreach (University Manual Section 5.35.10)

1.7.2 The Rhode Island 4-H Program for youth education shall be administered by CELS as part of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension programming.

1.7.3 In concert with USDA-NIFA priorities and funding, and consistent with state and regional needs, Rhode Island Cooperative Extension shall maintain multi-state extension programming efforts as well as efforts integrated with research.


2.1 The chief administrative officer of the College shall be the Dean, who will perform the functions described in the University Manual Section 3.20.10. The Dean also may act with the consultation and advice of the Faculty as described in the University Manual Section 3.20.11.

2.2 The Dean shall also hold joint appointments as Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service, and shall perform the administrative duties that are specifically related to these offices (University Manual Section 3.51.10).

2.3 The Dean shall be assisted in the performance of his duties by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Associate Dean for Research, the Associate Dean for Outreach, and by the Assistant Deans for Development and Student Affairs. In addition, other full-time or part-time administrators may be appointed to assure adequate administration of college polices.

2.4 Department Chairpersons shall have administrative responsibility for the programs of their departments under the Dean and shall act with the advice and cooperation of department members in performing the functions described in the University Manual Section 3.21.10. (also Article X of the AAUP Contract)


3.1 Definitions – The College Faculty is comprised of individuals, defined as General Faculty by the University Manual (University Manual Section 4.11.10) and the URI AAUP Contract (AAUP Contract Section 1.1), who are assigned to CELS (University Manual Section 4.50.10). The College Graduate Faculty is composed of individuals assigned to CELS who are appointed by the Graduate Council as Graduate Faculty Members (University Manual Section 4.70.10).

3.2 On Academic Freedom – College Faculty are citizens, members of a learned profession, and officers of the College and the University. When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence they should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution (University Manual Section 6.10.10 et seq. and the AAUP 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, as amended)

3.3 On Faculty Governance. Faculty participation in the governance of CELS is essential to its sound development and to the successful performance of its role in the life of the university and the state. The basic functions of scholarship in CELS – teaching, research, and extension–are performed by a community of scholars who must exercise sound judgment in the planning and execution of their assigned responsibilities. The collective judgment of the scholars who comprise the Faculty is a resource of great value, which properly utilized, will help to guarantee that CELS policy is wisely established and effectively carried out (University Manual Section 4.10.10).

3.4 Powers and Duties of the College Faculty – The College Faculty shall have legislative authority for the academic affairs of the College (University Manual Section 4.32.10). Participation in the governance of the College is an expectation of all CELS faculty members, and free speech by faculty members in the governance of the College is considered as protected under the principles of Academic Freedom.

3.5 Faculty Secretary. There shall be a Faculty Secretary elected from the Faculty following the terms and term limits outlined in Sections 9.2 and 9.3 of these Bylaws. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall include supervision of elections and polling of the Faculty under Sections 6 and 7 of these Bylaws; assuring that the minutes of the Executive Council and college-wide Faculty and Professional Staff meetings are kept and an archive of agendas and approved minutes of these meetings are maintained on the CELS website. The Faculty Secretary shall be assisted in his or her duties by administrative staff. (University Manual Section 4.50.10).


4.1 Duties and Responsibilities – The Executive Council shall advise the Dean on any and all matters of importance to the College and shall serve as the nominating committee for the Faculty, and in this capacity prepare a slate of nominees for elective offices as they become vacant. Additionally, the Executive Council shall serve to advise the Dean on matters of Promotion and Tenure.

4.1.1 The Dean shall be chairperson of the Executive Council.

4.1.2 The Executive Council shall have the overall responsibility of assuring that all College committees fulfill the responsibilities assigned to them.

4.1.3 An agenda shall be prepared for each meeting of the Executive Council. Minutes of the meetings shall be kept and copies distributed by paper or electronically to members of the Faculty by the College Secretary. The College Secretary shall maintain minutes of Executive Council meetings on file and publicly posted on the CELS website.

4.1.4 The Executive Council shall serve as the nominating committee for the CELS Hall of Fame Award. This honor may be bestowed upon a CELS faculty member who has, throughout their career, maintained fidelity to the Mission of the College and has brought honor to the community. Nominations may be made by the Executive council annually in the spring semester and kept confidential until the awardee(s) are announced by the dean at the September opening of the following academic year.

4.2 Members – The Executive Council shall be composed of the Dean, the Associate/Assistant Deans, the Faculty Secretary, the Department Chairpersons and others approved by the Council. If a department chairperson is unable to attend a meeting of the Executive Council, another member of the department shall attend the meeting as a substitute with all rights and privileges including the right to vote.


5.1 Regular meetings of CELS Faculty and Professional Staff (including non-classified staff, state classified service members as well as the administrative staff of the college) shall be held at a specific time and predetermined place, at least once a semester, but may be held more often at the call of the Dean. An agenda for each meeting, prepared jointly by the Dean and the Faculty Secretary, shall be sent out with the call for the meeting at least five days in advance of the meeting. Minutes of faculty meetings shall be kept, and copies distributed by paper or electronically to members of the Faculty by the Faculty Secretary. The Faculty Secretary shall assure posting of meeting agendas and approved meeting minutes publicly on the CELS website. The Faculty Secretary shall be responsible for presenting the minutes to the Faculty for approval at regular meetings of the Faculty. (University Manual Sections 4.50.11 and 4.40.13)

5.2 The Dean shall preside at College meetings, but if he or she is unable to be present at a meeting, (s)he shall designate an associate dean to assume this responsibility (University Manual Section 4.50.10).

5.3 A quorum consisting of 20 percent (20%) of the membership of the Faculty must be present before a College meeting can be called to order (University Manual Section 4.50.12).

5.4 The conduct of the meeting will be guided by parliamentary procedures with rules stated in the latest edition of Sturgis Standard Code. The Dean may appoint a parliamentarian to serve at Faculty meetings (University Manual Section 4.45.10)

5.5 Procedure – All voting shall be by voice vote by parliamentary procedure except when a paper ballot is called for with a motion and approved by a majority of those voting.

5.6 Voting on matters which require approval by the Faculty shall be limited to continuing faculty holding any of the ranks: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Assistant Professor, Extension Professor, Extension Associate Professor, and Extension Assistant Professor, Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor and Clinical Professor. The Dean and Associate Deans shall have the rights to vote as faculty members at faculty meetings. (University Manual Sections 4.50.10; 4.50.13; and 7.10.10)

5.7 The Dean shall call a special meeting of the Faculty on a written request of 25 percent (25%) of the faculty members. The call for a special faculty meeting and agenda shall be sent to the faculty members at least five days before the meeting. (University Manual Sections 4.40.13 and 4.50.11)

5.8 The petitioners who request a special meeting of the College Faculty shall prepare the agenda for the meeting. All items to be acted on at that special meeting must be on the agenda, and only items on the agenda can be acted upon at the meeting.


6.1 When a poll of the Faculty is required, it shall be conducted according to the following procedure.

6.2 A poll of the Faculty shall be initiated by a majority vote at an authorized Faculty and Professional Staff Meeting, or by the Executive Council, or by petition to the Dean by twenty (20) members of the Faculty

6.3 The question and polling information shall be mailed electronically or delivered to each faculty member at least 3 days (72 hours, not including weekends or holidays) before the poll begins.

6.4 The poll shall conducted by electronic survey (ballot) by the Faculty Secretary, and open at least during the hours of one full working day (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM).

6.5 Each electronic ballot shall be validated against an official Faculty list by the Faculty Secretary.

6.6 The results shall be counted by the members of the Bylaws and Review Committee who will be provided copies of the emails or electronic survey instrument by the Faculty Secretary.

6.7 Results of the poll shall be determined by a simple majority of the validated ballots cast, and the poll results shall be disseminated electronically by the Faculty Secretary and published as part of the minutes of the next meeting of the Executive Council.


7.1 Elections for positions that begin September 1 shall take place at a Spring Semester faculty and professional staff meeting, but elections to fill unexpired terms shall be held whenever they are needed. If an election is delayed, the incumbent shall continue in office until a successor is elected. (Faculty Senate Bylaws Section 2.9). Membership on committees comprised of one representative from each department (Diversity Committee, Curriculum Committee) will be decided on a departmental basis and will not be subjected to a CELS wide election.

7.2 Notice. Notice of a pending election shall be included on the agenda of the meeting when the election is to be held. The slate proposed by the Executive Council shall accompany the agenda that contains the call for an election.

7.3 Preparation of the slate. The slate for any election will be prepared by the Executive Council. It shall contain at least one nominee for each vacancy and additional nominations shall be received from the floor. Permission must be obtained in advance from each nominee whose name is presented.

7.4 The call to the meeting by the Faculty Secretary shall specify if an election shall be open to all faculty or restricted to a special faculty such as the Graduate faculty.

7.5 If there is only one nominee for a vacancy, the election of that individual will be approved by voice vote of the faculty. If there is more than one nominee, voting will be by secret ballot. Tellers from the Bylaws and Review Committee will count the ballots and report the results to the Dean with tallies. The Dean will report the results but not the tallies to the faculty.


8.1 Members of the College faculty shall be elected or nominated to serve in certain capacities as designated in appropriate sections of the University Manual Section C. The procedures for election and nomination shall be those already described for the College. The positions to be filled are Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Senate Curricular Affairs Committee, the University College and General Education Committee and any other Faculty Senate or Graduate Council subcommittees that require elected representation.


9.1 Duties. Standing committees shall review policies in various areas of concern to the College and make recommendations to the Dean and the Faculty on a continuing basis. With the exception of those standing committees that are appointed by the Dean in accordance with stipulations in the University Manual, the members of standing committees shall be determined in accordance with the procedures described here.

9.2 Terms. Unless specifically stated elsewhere, terms of service on committees shall commence on September 1 and end August 31. Faculty members (tenure-track, tenured, senior lecturers, teaching professors and full time individuals with Cooperative Extension and clinical appointments) on a standing committee shall be elected or appointed to a three-year term and with no two members from the same department. Initial committee appointments will be established with approximately one-third of the members with a three-year term, one-third with a two-year term and one-third with a one-year term. Unless specifically prohibited from serving on a particular committee, department chairs shall serve on standing committees on the same basis as any other faculty member. Should a committee member not be able to serve their term due to official university leave over 4 weeks in length, the Chair of the department, in which the faculty member is elected, may select a substitute. Upon return to the University, the originally elected faculty member would complete their term.

9.3 Term Limits. None.

9.4 Committees Mandated by Federal or State Law or Regulation. Any restrictions that apply to election or appointment to a committee shall not apply to members of those committees that come under the jurisdiction of the Dean as stipulated by state or federal regulation, agency, legal requirement or University-wide policy.

9.5 Lists of Committee Members. Membership of all Standing Committees in the College shall be maintained and kept current on the College website by the Committee Chairperson.


10.1 Diversity Committee.

10.1.1 Charge. The Diversity Committee shall develop and advise the Dean on the implementation of a Diversity Plan for the entire college. The plan shall be based on the Diversity Plan of the University and shall not conflict with the University Plan in any way. The chairperson of the committee shall serve as liaison with the Equity Council. (University Manual Sections 2.91.10 and 5.36.10 et seq.)

10.1.2 Membership. The Diversity Committee shall be composed of at least one person, staff or faculty member, from each department in CELS as well as at least two students from the college appointed by the Dean in consultation with the Executive Council and the Chief Diversity Officer of the University. The committee shall elect its own chairperson at the beginning of each academic year.


11.1 Curriculum Committee.

This committee shall be responsible for making recommendations relating to the establishment, deletion or modification of all undergraduate and/or graduate courses, curricula, and major programs of study. (University Manual Section 4.50.10 and University Manual Chapter 8, Part III).

11.1.1 The committee will follow this format in considering establishment, modification or deletion of courses or curriculums and major programs of study:

a) Programs – approval of new degree programs or deletions of existing degree programs will require a formal vote at CELS faculty meetings, after action of the curriculum committee.

b) All other actions, new courses, course deletions, and changes in courses will follow the route outlined below:

1. Department approval(s)

2. Department Chairperson(s) approval; submit to CELS Curriculum Committee

3. CELS Curriculum Committee will distribute a detailed agenda to CELS faculty electronically one week prior to each meeting

4. CELS Curriculum Committee approval

5. Dean’s Office approval

6. Forward to Faculty Senate Curriculum Affairs Committee and/or Graduate Council

c) CELS Curriculum Committee shall provide a report each semester at the College Faculty and Professional Staff meeting.

11.1.2 Membership. There shall be a representative of each department on the committee. Terms will be consistent with the language for the rest of CELS committees per Section 9 of these bylaws. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs shall serve as an ex officio member of this Committee.

11.1.3 Chairperson. The Curriculum Committee shall elect its own chairperson at the beginning of the academic year. Ex-officio members may not serve as chairperson.

11.2 Research Committee.

11.2.1 Charge. The Research Committee shall have the responsibility for advising and assisting the Dean and Associate Dean for Research in planning and reviewing Agricultural Experiment Station and other research programs of the college, including all Research Centers and Institutes administered by CELS (1.6.4 of these bylaws), and make recommendations to the Dean on the annual allocation of AES facilities, personnel and resources, including the establishment of priority areas for requests for proposals and the establishment, oversight and dissolution of Administrative Cost Centers.

11.2.2 Membership. The Research Committee shall be composed of seven (7) Faculty members and shall be maintained with nominees selected by the departments and appointment made by the dean. Terms will be consistent with the language for the rest of CELS committees per Section 9 of these bylaws. The Associate Dean for Research shall serve ex officio.

11.2.3 Chairperson. The Research Committee shall elect its own chairperson at the beginning of the academic year. Ex-officio members may not serve as chairperson.

11.3 Cooperative Extension and Outreach Coordinating Committee.

11.3.1 Charge. The Cooperative Extension and Outreach Coordinating Committee shall have the responsibility for advising and assisting the Dean, Associate Dean for Outreach, and the Associate Director of RI Cooperative Extension in planning and reviewing Cooperative Extension and other Extension-related programs of the College, for formulating policies in broad areas of Extension, making recommendations for allocation of Cooperative Extension facilities, personnel and resources and for advising the Dean on personnel and educational needs of staff.

11.3.2 Membership. The Cooperative Extension and Outreach Coordinating Committee shall be composed of two (2) elected faculty or senior staff members actively engaged in Cooperative Extension from different departments, five extramural cooperators, the Cooperative Extension program leaders and the Associate Dean for Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Programs who shall serve in an ex-officio capacity. The full committee (including extramural cooperators) will meet at least two times per year with an agenda solely focused on programmatic priorities. The internal (staff and faculty) members will meet at least two additional times per year to discuss recommendations that are internally focused (e.g. policies, facilities allocation, personnel, etc.). The extramural members of the committee shall be appointed by the Dean for staggered three-year terms. Faculty and staff member terms will be consistent with the language for the rest of CELS committees per Section 9 of these bylaws.

11.3.3 Chairperson. The Cooperative Extension and Outreach Coordinating Committee shall elect its own chairperson at the beginning of the academic year. Ex-officio members may not serve as chairperson.

11.4 Space Committee.

11.4.1 Charge. The allocation of adequate office, laboratory and other space shall be in support of Faculty engaged in our mission of teaching, research, extension and service (Section 1.2). Procedures for the allocation of space within CELS shall follow the current university-wide policy on the allocation and utilization of space as published in the University Manual (Policy #05-1). Recognizing these space- allocation guidelines are general in nature, covering the allocation of office space and some general- use space among the various colleges of the university, the charge of the Space Committee is to advise the Dean on space policy and allocation. The Dean shall be final arbiter of space allocation within CELS. It is understood that faculty must be assigned space, as available, adequate to perform their assigned tasks.

11.4.2 Members. The space committee shall be composed of seven (7) Faculty members and shall be maintained with nominees selected by the departments and elected by the college. Terms will be consistent with the language for the rest of CELS committees per Section 9 of these bylaws. The Associate Dean for Research and Outreach shall serve in an ex-officio capacity and shall be responsible for maintaining the space inventory database on behalf of the Space Committee.

11.4.3 Chairperson. The Space Committee shall elect its own chairperson at the beginning of the academic year. Ex-officio members may not serve as chairperson.

11.4.4 Requesting space. Requests for new space, including laboratories, graduate student office space and non-college-wide conference room space, shall be handled through a proposal process with review by the Space Committee.

11.4.5 Space request form. The Space Committee shall create a single uniform space proposal template for all space requests that will contain an outline of factors used in evaluation of requests for different types of space. The Space Committee may periodically revise the proposal template as it deems necessary.

11.5.6 Office space. Allocation of faculty, staff and administrative office space by the Space Committee and Dean shall follow the principles set forth in the University-wide space allocation guidelines (University Manual Policy #05-1).

11.5.7 Research space. Research space shall be defined as all laboratory, conference, storage, and office space for researchers or extension personnel (e.g. graduate students, post-docs, research or extension associates, grant administrators) fulfilling the Research and Extension Missions of the College.

a) For the allocation of research space, no single criterion or any specific formula shall be used. Rather, the assessment will be based on several criteria, such as success in procuring extramural grant support, amount and nature of research support, the quality and quantity of peer-reviewed publications, presentations at national and international scientific meetings, and the specific use of the space in fulfilling the College’s Mission.

b) Faculty investigators with funded research grants, as well as new faculty hires, shall have highest priority for laboratory space allocation.

c) No amount of research space is guaranteed to any individual in perpetuity.

d) Size, quality and location of allocated research space shall be determined with consideration of numbers of graduate students, post-doctoral associates, and undergraduate researchers served, size and nature of grant support, and nature of the research equipment to be housed.

e) Bridge periods. The current investigator may retain space for a bridge period of no less than two (2) years beyond cessation of funding in which no further funding has been forthcoming. After the expiration of the bridge period, the space may become open to reassignment via the proposal process, however bridge periods may be extended beyond two years by the Dean.

f) Space cleanout. Cleanout of offices and storage spaces shall be done prior to reassignment in consultation with University Archives in the Library to assure proper disposition of potentially historically significant materials.

11.4.8. Specialized classrooms or research space. Each department with needs for specialized classroom or specialized laboratory space for large, sensitive, or specially-dedicated equipment (e.g. computer labs, electron microscopes, test kitchens, greenhouses) shall be reviewed separately from review procedures for more general-use laboratory space.

11.4.9 Teaching lab preparation space. Departments that have responsibilities for teaching laboratory courses shall be assigned an adequate baseline allocation of general laboratory space for use in class preparation and/or maintenance of teaching materials (e.g. animal specimens, plants, etc.).

11.4.10 Temporary space allocation. Space may be temporarily allocated by the Dean to accommodate visiting scholars or investigators undertaking preliminary work in preparation for grant submission.

11.4.11. Emeritus Faculty. Emeritus Faculty may be allowed lab or office space on a guest investigator basis through a sponsoring principal investigator who is already assigned space or alternatively he or she may request research space by request and review by the Space Committee and approval by the Dean.

11.5 Commencement Committee.

11.5.1 Charge. The Commencement Committee shall plan and coordinate with the University Commencement Committee all arrangements for the College commencement, including procession, locality, facilities and equipment, alternate arrangements for rain if the ceremony is scheduled outdoors, refreshments, decorations, and ushers (University Manual Section 5.34.10).

11.5.2 Membership. The Commencement Committee shall be composed of three (3) faculty members and shall be maintained with nominees selected by the departments and elected by the college, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, ex officio, the Assistant dean for Student Affairs, ex officio, and two graduating seniors appointed by the Faculty members of the Commencement Committee. Terms will be consistent with the language for the rest of CELS committees per Section 9 of these bylaws.

11.5.3 Chairperson. The Commencement Committee shall elect its own chairperson from the Faculty members at the beginning of the academic year.

11.6 Bylaws and Review Committee.

11.6.1 Charge. The Bylaws and Review Committee shall review the standing committees and by-laws every year and recommend if changes are needed in the by-laws or if standing committees should be continued, revised or terminated. The faculty opinion shall be solicited during the year before the annual report of the committee is written. The Bylaws and Review Committee shall have the power to: recommend new committees, both standing committees and ad hoc committees, for approval by the faculty; to serve as tellers in polling and elections; and to be responsible for preparing new inserts for the College Bylaws to keep it up to date as sections of the University Manual and the AAUP Contract are changed.

11.6.2 Membership. The members of the Bylaws and Review Committee shall be composed of three (3) faculty members and shall be maintained with nominees selected by the departments and elected by the college. Terms will be consistent with the language for the rest of CELS committees per Section 9 of these bylaws.

11.6.3 Chairperson. The Bylaws and Review Committee shall elect its own chairperson at the beginning of the academic year.


12.1 Duties. Like standing committees, ad hoc committees are responsible for reviewing policy in a specified area and making recommendations to the Dean or to the Faculty. The primary distinction is that a time limit is stipulated for ad hoc committees, while standing committees continue from year to year.

12.2 Formation procedure. Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Dean or the Executive Council. Faculty members who wish to propose ad hoc committees shall make their requests through the Dean or the Executive Council.

12.3 The establishment of an ad hoc committee shall appear with supporting material, including the charge, chairperson and slate of members and reporting time on the agenda of the faculty meeting following the appointment of the committee.

12.4 Reporting. The faculty shall be made aware of the reports of ad hoc committees by memorandum from the Dean or through a report at the Faculty meeting. Notice that the report will be made shall appear on the agenda for the meeting when the report is to be made.


13.1 Advisory committees shall serve in an advisory capacity only and shall not be used for establishing policy.

13.2 Advisory committees may be appointed by the Dean.

13.3 When an advisory committee has been appointed, the Dean shall inform the faculty of the committee’s appointment, membership and charge.


14.1 Academic rules and regulations governing the studies of CELS students shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 8 (Regulations for Students) of the University Manual.

14.2 Academic Standing Committee

14.2.1 There shall be a CELS Scholastic Standing Committee, chaired by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, assisted by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and the CELS Office of Student Affairs. Ad Hoc members shall be drawn from the academic departments of the students being reviewed.

14.2.2 Academic Standing Review Process. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to remain in Good Standing. Students failing to meet this requirement are subject to review by the CELS Scholastic Standing Committee. Following is a description of the process, which will be used for students in academic difficulty. The College will follow the general guidelines outlined in the University Manual in these matters (8.23.10 – 8.26.11).

a. Notification of students – the Office of Student Affairs will review student records each semester to monitor conformity to College retention requirements. Students who earn a GPA less than 2.0 in coursework will receive a letter from the Assistant Dean notifying them of their deficiency and their right to appeal their potential dismissal.

b. Petition to Appeal Dismissal – students who wish to appeal their dismissal from the College have five days from receipt of their notification to request a waiver, giving reasons for their request. This letter is sent to the Office of the Assistant Dean and will be shared with the CELS Scholastic Standing Committee.

c. Scholastic Standing Meeting – students who wish may attend the Scholastic Standing Committee meeting which will consider their request. While attendance is not required, it is an opportunity for students to provide additional perspective with committee members regarding their situation.

d. Decision – the decision of the Scholastic Standing Committee will be final and may consist of one of the following:

1. The dismissal will be waived and the student will be placed on probation.

2. The dismissal will be confirmed and the student will be dismissed from the University.

14.3 Student Awards

14.3.1 Student Awards shall be coordinated by the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs who shall seek out scholarship and other award opportunities from various sources including the URI Foundation, the University Enrollment Services and extramural funding agencies.

14.3.2 A list of awards that are available shall be kept up-to-date. Appropriate department chairpersons shall to be notified in advance of when nominations are due and what qualifications required for award nominees.


15.1 If conflict arises among these Bylaws and the University Manual or the Faculty Contract between the AAUP, the Manual or the Contract language shall take precedence (Article 4 of the URI-AAUP Contract).

15.2 Changes in these Bylaws may be proposed by the Dean, the Bylaws and Review Committee or by individual Faculty members.

15.3 Changes in these Bylaws can be made only by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Faculty voting at a meeting called at least five days in advance and with the proposed change on the agenda of the meeting.


Bylaws of the College of Resource Development (adopted January 1984)

Bylaws of the College of the Environment and Life Sciences (adopted as amended 14 April 2004) Bylaws adopted after major amendment 12 December 2012

Bylaws amended 8 March 2013

Bylaws amended 16 October 2013

Bylaws amended 10 December 2013

Bylaws amended 1 May 2014

Bylaws amended 9 December 2014

Bylaws amended 1 May 2015

Bylaws amended 13 May 2019

Bylaws amended 27 April 2021

Bylaws amended 4 May 2022

Bylaws amended 12 December 2024