CELS Dean’s Advisory Council

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As an engaged college in the Land Grant and Sea Grant traditions, the Dean’s Advisory Council was formed under the authority of CELS Bylaws Chapter 13. The Dean’s Advisory Council has a charge of advising the dean on how to best keep the college abreast of new developments and the emerging needs of the state and our industry partners. The Advisory Council also serves as a forum for showcasing the capabilities of the college to better serve as a resource for our state and industry partners.

CELS Deans Advisory Council Constitution

DateMeeting AgendaMeeting MinutesAppendix
May 6, 2022AgendaApproved Minutes
November 5, 2021AgendaApproved MinutesCELS Advisory Council Campaign Update
What Professional Master’s Programs are needed by local and state industry?
May 14, 2021AgendaApproved Minutes
December 11, 2020 AgendaApproved MinutesDraft Constitution
October 4, 2019AgendaApproved Minutes
May 3, 2019AgendaApproved Minutes