We offer two ways to become certified as a Community First Responder and receive free naloxone. You can either schedule a live webinar/in-person seminar for your group, or complete the interactive learning module from the comfort of your own home. For our New England program (residents of NH, CT, VT, MA or ME) please visit URI.edu/ROTA-R Help members of your school or organization become a certified Community First Responder and receive free naloxone kits to support individuals in you community. Community members are invited to browse through our 6 interactive, educational learning modules with in-depth information about the opioid epidemic, including how to recognize and respond to an overdose. Each module takes about 10 minutes to complete and provides valuable resources to help you or a loved one connect with prevention, treatment and recovery options in Rhode Island and nationwide. Free online continuing education 0.5 hr CEU each, online modules available for nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and licensed mental health counselors. Click on the photo or title below to start your online course and claim your CE credit! La naloxona (Narcan®) es un medicamento que puede revertir una sobredosis provocada por una droga opioide. Puede completar el curso en diez minutos de aprendizaje interactivo, todo desde la comodidad de su hogar y recibir su propio estuche de naloxona por correo. The goals of the Community First Responder Program are to educate communities about opioid misuse, and provide resources to these communities to help address opioid misuse including the opioid overdose antidote naloxone. MSW Intern Program Manager Research Assistant
General Public
Live Webinars or In-person Seminars
Live Accredited Seminars
Online Learning Modules
Become a Community First Responder: Naloxone (Narcan) Training - What increases a person’s risk for an opioid overdose? And how can we save someone who is overdosing on opioids?
Why Do People Misuse Drugs? - In order to fully appreciate the extent of the opioid epidemic, we must understand how these drugs work in the body and can lead...
What is the Difference Between Opioid Dependence and Addiction? - Understand the main differences between opioid misuse, opioid dependence and addiction ...
Myths & Facts: Unraveling Rumors About the Opioid Epidemic - Identify myths and facts about opioid use disorder, Describe effective treatment methods for an opioid use disorder ...
How Does Stigma Affect People with Addiction? - Learn ways to reduce stigma and help people struggling with addiction connect to treatment and recovery centers
How Did We Get Here? Background on the Opioid Epidemic - Come learn about the background of the opioid epidemic in America and gain some unique perspectives ...
Healthcare Professionals
Free LIVE CE credits for RN’s and LMHC’s (click to read more) - To schedule a free live CE seminar at your convenience for your school, employer group, or organization please email: anitaj@uri.edu or click here to complete the form to request a Seminar. Recognizing and Responding to an Opioid-Involved Breathing Emergency Live Program Faculty Anita Jacobson, PharmD Learning Objectives At the completion of this activity learners will […]
Motivational Interviewing for SUD
Telehealth and SUD in Rural Communities
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Acute, Chronic, and Palliative Pain Management
Expanding Access to Naloxone in Rural New England
Creating a New Future of Pain Management
Curso de Naloxona: ¿Qué aumenta el riesgo de una persona sufrir una sobredosis de opioides y como puedes salvarlo? - Obtenga la certificación de Primeros Respondedores de la Comunidad y reciba por correo un estuche de Naloxona gratis para la reducción de daños.
¿Por qué el indebido uso de las drogas? - Para apreciar completamente el alcance de la epidemia de opioides, debemos comprender cómo funcionan estos medicamentos en el cuerpo y pueden conducir a la adicción.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre dependencia de opioides y adicción? - Comprender las principales diferencias entre el uso indebido de opioides, la dependencia de opioides y la adicción.
¿Cómo llegamos aquí? Antecedentes de la epidemia de opioides - Venga a conocer los antecedentes de la epidemia de opioides en Estados Unidos y obtenga algunas perspectivas únicas. El siguiente curso es para aprender información más detallada sobre la historia de la crisis de opioides.
About the CFRP