Message sent to URI students studying abroad

Below is a message sent to all URI students currently participating on an education abroad program. We will continue to monitor the situation closely with our colleagues around the globe and will provide updates as necessary.

We are writing to remind you that your health and safety while you are abroad are our top priorities. As part of that concern for your welfare, the University of Rhode Island is monitoring daily, the situation in your host country through the U.S. Overseas Security Advisory Council, the Centers for Disease Control, the State Department and the World Health Organization.

At this point URI is not asking students to return, but that could change rapidly if the situation warrants. We will respect decisions made by families to bring their students home at any time. We will be in touch with you directly as circumstances require. Please continue to monitor your email on a regular basis for updates from URI.

For the latest COVID-19 information on your host country and preventive measures, go to theĀ U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Should you have questions or concerns, please contact our office.

Best regards,
The URI Office of International Education