Preparations for the fall semester

We want to update our entire community with regard to the University’s extensive planning for the fall. The safety and health of our students, faculty, staff and visitors are top priorities, even prior to the advent of COVID-19. Now with the pandemic affecting every aspect of our daily lives, we are examining the critical elements that would be part of a thoughtful, systematic, and phased-in return to our campuses.

As planning continues for the fall semester, the University will provide frequent updates, starting today, regarding health protocols, planning for the fall 2020 semester, and resources available for URI community members. We want to remind everyone that we all have a stake in maintaining a safe campus and keeping each other healthy. So whenever you are on any of our campuses we will ask you to abide by physical distancing, hygiene and sanitizing practices, and face covering guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Rhode Island Department of Health. These practices are a regular part of campus life now and we expect them to remain in place indefinitely.

Fall 2020 planning underway

While a final decision about the fall has not been made yet, we are committed to reopening our campuses as much as we can, consistent with the community’s health and safety. All of the plans under consideration strive to:

  • Protect the health and vitality of the URI community;  
  • Ensure academic progress of our students and provide a high-quality learning environment;
  • Sustain the financial viability of the institution; and,
  • Maintain the University workforce at or near full capacity, if possible, under all scenarios.

As of today we expect any fall scenario to include the following:

  • Physical distancing and room capacity limits will be required in most spaces on all University campuses.
  • Classroom capacity limits are being modified and any updates to course schedules will be provided this summer.
  • All URI community members will be required to wear face coverings while on any University campuses.
  • Improvements are underway to provide additional remote learning platforms. Updates regarding technology improvements and software availability will be provided throughout the summer.
  • All courses will need to have a plan to pivot to fully remote learning if the virus re-emerges or worsens in our community and/or on campus.

To accomplish this, University teams have been assigned to develop plans for reopening buildings in phases; resume more typical in-person activity in our labs; execute and deliver the curriculum; and safely operate housing and dining facilities among others. Below is an overview of the planning underway that is being supported by the University’s leadership and working groups of faculty and staff.

COVID-19 Task Force

This Task Force is charged with reviewing state and federal guidance and engaging campus partners to assess and prepare for employees and students to return to URI campuses under a variety of scenarios. The team includes individuals from Public Safety, Facilities, Health Services, Risk Management, Marketing and Communications, Housing and Residential Life, Enrollment Management and Academic Affairs. The team is developing campus-wide, building-level, and department-level guidance on the following topics: physical distancing, public health interventions, face covering requirements, and cleaning. This team is also procuring the necessary supplies to prepare for increasing activity on all campuses this summer and into the fall including cleaning and disinfecting supplies, personal protective equipment, plexiglass installations, informational signs, and other supplies as needed.

COVID-19 Testing Program

A team of individuals from Health Services and Student Affairs is developing COVID-19 testing guidelines, contact tracing needs, and health symptom tracking plans that can support face-to-face operations this fall. These plans are being prepared in collaboration with the Rhode Island Department of Health to maintain the highest level of health and safety for the URI community in the event there is face-to-face instruction this fall.

Academic and Instructional Scenario Planning

A team of administrative leaders, faculty and staff has developed a range of possible academic and instructional scenarios  for the fall semester, including a careful assessment of risk factors and implications associated with each scenario. The scenarios are being analyzed for potential implementation and implications by various faculty groups and others throughout the university.  A scenario that is desirable to many that is being considered includes significant face-to-face instruction and campus activities along with proper health and social distancing protocols. Other scenarios consider the potential for escalation of virus infections that would trigger changes to face-to-face instruction and more remote learning options. A fully virtual scenario is the last resort, and would only be enacted because of escalating health concerns and virus infections. It would be irresponsible for the University not to plan for such a situation.

Research Operations

Although research activities continued on a limited basis during the spring semester, the University has been preparing for increased research activity this summer. Guidelines have been developed by the Division of Research and Economic Development to ensure researchers are following the latest health and safety orders and guidelines in effect by the State of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Visit this website for more information about resuming research activities.

On Campus Housing and Dining Planning

Administrators and staff from Student Affairs and Housing and Residential Life are preparing on campus housing and dining plans and operational guidelines to ensure the health and safety of campus residents and support staff. These plans are considering capacity limits of residence halls, common areas, dining halls, and other student life spaces across campus. The goal is to support as many on campus residents as possible while maintaining the health and safety of the students, support staff and URI community.

Again, updates regarding the preparations for fall will be provided regularly, and the URI COVID-19 website will continue to provide additional details and information as they become available.