Take the #rhodytogether pledge

Fighting COVID-19 is a team effort that will require the commitment of every member of our community (faculty, staff and students) to do our part to protect the health, safety, and well-being of us all.

This summer, the University has put thousands of hours and millions of dollars into making it possible to reopen the campus and hold in-person, blended, and online classes and activities in the fall semester.

While we understand there are no guarantees and that there are many factors beyond our control, we cannot succeed unless each of us takes personal responsibility for our own actions and behaviors. Unless we each commit to making our best effort to safeguard the health of the URI community, we may find ourselves pivoting to fully online classes in just a few weeks.

The University is asking and encouraging all members of our community to take the #rhodytogether pledge: that each of us will put forward our best effort to help protect one another against the spread of COVID-19. These efforts include pledging to: complete the URI daily health assessment before coming to campus or class; wear face coverings; practice proper hand hygiene; do our part to clean and disinfect common area surfaces; practice physical distancing; follow Rhode Island Executive Orders pertaining to social gatherings; limit unnecessary travel and consider getting a flu shot.

Please join us in taking the #rhodytogether pledge to show your URI family that you care.

Take the #rhodytogether pledge