Housing and Dining Information

This message is sent on behalf of Vice President for Student Affairs Kathy Collins

Our message to students and parents that we sent out Friday, March 13 resulted in some questions or requests for clarification. In our efforts to keep you informed, we wanted to provide some additional information.

Again, this has been a challenging time for all of us and I thank you for your cooperation and patience as we try to provide guidance.

As I did Friday, I appeal to you to have your student stay home if feasible until the University resumes in-person classes as planned for April 6. We recognize that this is not an option for everyone based on personal and family circumstances.

This communication is to reemphasize the following:

  • The residence halls and dining halls are all open and operational, with all utilities, cleaning and maintenance functioning. The residence halls are not closed, and there are no plans to close them. Residents continue to have access to their rooms and their belongings.
  • Most Housing and Residential Life and Dining Services staff are essential personnel, as designated by the University, and will continue to work their regular shifts. They are an important part of our team and like many of our university staff, they will continue to report to campus to work as we navigate this difficult situation.
  • We request that all resident students complete the Statement of Intent (which has updated questions about travel), not just those intending to return. It helps us understand the intentions of our students so that we can better plan. This data is shared with various campus offices that provide services to students.
  • Our extension of the cancellation deadlines was a good-faith effort to give families more time to make an important decision. We are abiding by the terms of the Housing Agreement, but also recognizing circumstances and institutional planning at this time. We recognize the dates do not coincide well, and as circumstances change, we will reassess our options and decisions As always we will do our best to keep you informed.

You also can stay informed on matters related to the coronavirus by visiting the University’s COVID-19 website. The university is also operating an information hotline. Those with questions may dial 401-874-3082, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.