ITS Research Computing Services is a relatively new Department with the goal of providing URI researchers access to cutting-edge computing equipment (HPC/AI/Data/Quantum) and offering hands-on training, support and consultancy to enable computational research.
Services & Resources
- Multiple HPC clusters (Andromeda, Unity, SeaWulf)
- Cloud Computing
- High-performance servers, private servers
- Statistical Software, Services, and Resources (SAS, SPSS, R, JMP, MATLAB, Geneious, Atlas.ti, Qualtrics, Overleaf)
- NIH-STRIDES program
- Sample proposal documents (Facilities, DMP, etc.)
- University-wide software platforms (e.g. R Studio Server, JupyterHub, etc.)
- Training/consultation
- Web/database hosting and resources
- Data storage platforms at URI
- Quantum computing simulator
- IBM Quantum cloud access
What’s New?
- We have a very limited number of licenses for QA software NVIVO available at this time (eligibility: Faculty-only). Please contact if interested.
- Partnership with the Massachusetts Green HPC Center (MGHPCC)
- NSF CyberTeam-CAREERS Student Research Facilitator Program
- Distributed research computing support through trained GAs in each College
- Complete replacement of older URI HPC clusters
- New URI locale on Ask.Ci for URI-specific support and discussion
- Overleaf Professional subscription for Faculty and PhD student research use
- Campus-wide subscription to JMP Pro
- Research Computing Network (RCN)
- New research center: URI Center for Computational Research
Other Related Resources
Here are some services offered by various other URI departments and organizations, which often are relevant to researchers:
- URI WebEx Service: Host your own online meetings, screen shares, and user support sessions.
- URI VPN Service: This is often needed for accessing some servers and services from off-campus and abroad. If you’re planning to travel abroad and need this service, it’s especially important to set this up ahead of time, before you leave — it’s quite difficult to set up while abroad.
- Consultation on related IT services (VPN, security, secure data transfers, SSL certificates, etc.)
- Safari (O’Reilly) Online Books and Videos: A great collection of technical reference books and some training videos on a wide variety of technical topics — e.g. programming, data science, artificial intelligence, etc. The URI Library has acquired access for anyone with a URI email address.
- URI ITS Training Courses: Periodically offered introductory courses covering a wide range of topics, including the Google Suite,, Excel, Video management and caption, and more!
Contact Us
Email us at with questions, comments, suggestions — anything!
Our Team
Abdeltawab Hendawi
AI Lab -- Research
Christian Vye
Advanced Application Specialist
Cecile Cres
Student HPC Facilitator -- CELS
Elizabeth Pauley
Student Statistical Consultant and Trainer
ML/AI Facilitator
Gaurav Khanna
Director of the URI Center for Computational Research & ITS Research Computing
Indrani Mandal
AI Lab -- Education and Outreach
Joan Peckham
Strategic Advisor
Josh Port
Student HPC Facilitator -- GSO
Kevin Bryan
Manager, High Performance Computing
Madhukara Kekulandara
Student ML/AI Facilitator
Michael Puerrer
Computational Scientist
Major Unity Upgrade! - We are pleased to announce that a major and exciting upgrade to our primary HPC/AI platform, UNITY, is finally complete!
Celebrating Excellence: URI’s Tech Innovators Honored in Tech10 Awards - URI celebrates Indrani Mandal and Gaurav Khanna, honorees of RI Monthly's 2024 Tech10 Awards, for their outstanding contributions to AI and research computing.