Build modern, uniform IT

Implement modern and uniform basic IT across URI.

Core IT services, such as the LMS, Finance, HR, and Student record systems, should be common for all URI, be built to scale, contain accurate information and be easy to use. IT must also support systems beyond the core through data and user integration points as well as have a well-established system of application support services to help our user community make effective and efficient use of digital systems.

Goal 1

Implement modern and effective core data systems at URI.

  • Modernize our core HR and Financials systems to fully integrate and automate interactions with state agencies and modernize the end-user experience.
  • Leverage all of the features of our PeopleAdmin, our current hiring and performance evaluation system.
  • Complete the installation of features for our central budgeting system, PBCS.

Goal 2

Leverage and consolidate software and systems URI currently owns.

  • Build complete asset lists, with a complete inventory of URI IT assets, their associated cybersecurity risks, contractual terms and responsibility matrixes.
  • Leverage the asset lists to find opportunities for shared system contracting and support responsibilities to minimize resource expenses associated with systems while meeting the needs of our community.
  • Engage in a sustained program of system consolidation and administrative data system sharing across URI.

Goal 3

Support the growth of data-informed decision-making across URI

  • Enhance data analytics capabilities by implementing tools and platforms for data integration, analytics, and visualization.
  • Implement data governance policies and procedures to ensure data is managed in accordance with regulatory requirements and best practices.

Goal 4

Enhance the ability of URI units to more effectively communicate with their constituencies.

  • Implement a uniform lifecycle communications and relationship management tool.
  • Expand the adoption and use of the Signal Vine texting platform
  • Enhance the URI mobile app to cover more areas and events; include as many core service delivery and information items as possible while focusing on a personalized, curated user experience.

Goal 5

Automate repetitive processes

  • Automate endpoint and server system software installation, patching, and updates.
  • Implement an automated system testing service for our core data systems.

Goal 6

Standardize basic life and safety systems at URI

  • Implement contactless or mobile credentials to replace the current URI ID.
  • Standardize and implement university-wide access control.
  • Standardize security camera systems across URI.