CBORD and the URI GET program is a software package utilized by URI Dining Services to manage and provide customer access to a wide variety of URI food service programs. Access is via the Single Sign On (SSO) URI portal for Microsoft 365 (portal.office.com).

If you require additional information or require consultation please contact the IT Service Desk.

Access the URI dining portal

Executive Lead

Shaun Kavanagh

Technical Lead

Shaun Kavanagh

Support Team

Distributed IT
Dining Services

About GET

GET is a place where students (and parents) can manage their campus card accounts, find places to eat and more. GET provides valuable information about account balances and spending history, and enables you to report a lost or stolen card at any time of day or night.

For Parents:

GET allows you to deposit funds into your student’s campus accounts.

Visit the URI dining services full website for full details:

URI dining services