The Ellings-Korduba Research Fellowship Program (EKFP)

The Ellings-Korduba Research Fellowship provides U.S. graduate and upper-level undergraduate students with funding to be junior fellows-in-residence at NBR’s Seattle office, conduct original and independent research with NBR research team and editorial guidance, and join in on our intensive Summer Seminar with weekly networking opportunities. Learn More and Apply: Deadline: March 31, 2024

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The Undergraduate Diversity Fellowship Program (UDFP)

The Undergraduate Diversity Fellowship provides paid educational, professional, and mentorship opportunities to community college & undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in international affairs or Asia policy. Fellows get to spend a summer working with NBR’s research teams in Washington, D.C.   Learn More and Apply: Deadline: March 17, 2024

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Women’s Congressional Staff Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to broaden the voices and experiences of female staff on Capitol Hill. It strives to ensure more women from diverse backgrounds are able to bring their experience and knowledge to the legislative process. Because interning is so often a prerequisite to a full-time job, having women enter the pipeline at the very beginning is key to their continued success.

Deadline Month: March
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This is a five-week pre-law program that takes place at either Harvard or New York University (they switch off years) to support underrepresented populations in their pursuit of law school and the passing of the LSATs. Throughout these weeks, the students in the program will be able to create custom study plans that allow them to effectively pass the practice LSAT exams that they sit through through their time in the program. In addition, students have the chance to attend lectures and lunches given by professionals in the field that each feature time for specific questions from students. Students are also given opportunities to see law in practice in either New York City or in Boston, depending on the location of the program that year.

Deadline Month: Other:
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U.S. Congress – Republic of Korea National Assembly Exchange Program

The US Congress–Republic of Korea National Assembly Exchange Program is a fully-funded initiative to broaden the perspectives of Korean and American young people on the legislative process; the history of US-Korea relations; and current economic, political, and security aspects of the bilateral relationship. The program also provides participants with firsthand experience of each other’s people and culture, creating opportunities to form long-lasting personal contacts.

Deadline Month:
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