- Professor Emeritus
- Department of Geosciences
- Phone: 401.874. 2192
- Email: dhermes@uri.edu
- Office Location: Office: 336 Woodward
- Petrology-Tectonic Settings of Igneous Rocks
- U-Pb Geochronology
- Characterization of Archaeological Lithic Materials
- Characterization of rock chemistry by X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Virtual Field Trips as Teaching Tools
- Forensic Geology
Ph.D., 1967, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
MS 1963, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
AB, 1961, Washington University (St. Louis)
Selected Publications
- Fastovsky, D.E., Hermes, O.D., Strater, N.H., Clark, J.M., Montellano, M., Hernandez R, R, 2005, Pre-Late Jurassic fossil-bearing volcanic and sedimentary red beds of Huizachal Canyon, Tamaulipas, Mexico: Geological Society of America Special Paper 393, p. 401-426.
- Thompson, M.D., and Hermes, O.D., 2003, Early Rifting in the Narragansett Basin, Massachusetts-Rhode Island: Evidence from Late Devonian Bimodal Volcanic Rocks: Journal of Geology, v. 111, p. 597-604.
- Hermes, O.D., Luedke, B.E., and Ritchie, D., 2001, Melrose green rhyolite: Its geologic setting and petrographic and geochemical characteristics: Journal of Archaeological Science.
- Maria, A. and Hermes, O.D., 2001, Volcanic rocks in the Narragansett basin, southeastern New England: Petrology and significant to early basin formation: American Journal of Science, v.301, p. 286-312.
- Hermes, O.D., Luedke, B.E., and Ritchie, D., 2001, Melrose green rhyolite: Its geologic setting and petrographic and geochemical characteristics: Journal of Archaeological Science.
- Hermes, O.D., and Ritchie, D., 1997, Application of petrographic and geochemical methods to sourcing felsitic archaeological materials in southeastern New England: Geoarchaeology, V. 12, P. 1-30.
- Hermes, O. D., Gromet, L.P., and Murray, D. P., 1994, Bedrock geologic map of Rhode Island: Rhode Island Map Series No. 1, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. Scale = 1;100,000.