Dawn Cardace


  • Biogeochemistry and microbe-mineral interactions
  • Ultramafic systems
  • Astrobiology
  • Geoscience Education

Research activity

  • Ongoing research in the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California, go to https://web.uri.edu/cromo/


  • Postdoctoral Fellow. 2007-2010 NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, NASA AmesResearch Center, Exobiology Branch, Moffett Field, CA
  • Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2006 Washington University in St. Louis
  • M.A., Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2003 Washington University in St. Louis
  • B.A., 1995, Swarthmore College

Selected Publications

Taylor, A. R., Olsen, A. A., Hausrath, E. M., Olsen, B. J., & Cardace, D. 2024. The Role of Sulfuric Acid, Abiotic–Organic Acids, and Biotic Acids on Serpentinite Dissolution and Trace Metal Release. Minerals, 14(3), 256.

Hart, R., & Cardace, D. 2023. Mineral Indicators of Geologically Recent Past Habitability on Mars. Life, 13(12), 2349.

Murray, C., Larson, A., Goodwill, J.E., Wang, Y., Cardace, D., and A.S. Akanda. 2022. Water Quality Observations from Space: A Review of Critical Issues and Challenges. Environments, 9(10), 125.

Templeton, A. S., Ellison, E. T., Glombitza, C., Morono, Y., Rempfert, K. R., Hoehler, T. M., S.D. Zeigler, E. Kraus, J.R. Spear, D.B. Nothaft, E.M. Fones, E.S. Boyd, R.M. Munro-Ehrlich, L.E. Mayhew, D. Cardace, J.M. Matter, P.B. Kelemen, the Oman Drilling Project Science Party. 2021. Accessing the subsurface biosphere within rocks undergoing active low‐temperature serpentinization in the Samail ophiolite (Oman Drilling Project). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2021JG006315.

Tominaga, M., E. Ortiz, J.F. Einsle, N.F.R. Vento, M.O. Schrenk, I. Buisman, I.S. Ezad, and D. Cardace. 2021. Tracking subsurface active weathering processes in serpentinite. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(6), e2020GL088472.

Putman, L.I., M.C. Sabuda, W.J. Brazelton, M.D. Kubo, T.M. Hoehler, T.M. McCollom, D. Cardace, and M.O. Schrenk. 2021. Microbial Communities in a Serpentinizing Aquifer Are Assembled through Strong Concurrent Dispersal Limitation and Selection. Msystems, 6(5), e00300-21.

Sabuda, M. C., Putman, L. I., Hoehler, T. M., Kubo, M. D., Brazelton, W. J., Cardace, D., & Schrenk, M. O. 2021. Biogeochemical Gradients in a Serpentinization‐Influenced Aquifer: Implications for Gas Exchange Between the Subsurface and Atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(8), e2020JG006209.

Cardace, D., Bower, D.J., Daniel, I., Ionescu, A., Mikhail, S., Pistone, M., S. Zahirovic. 2020. Deep Carbon Science Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 551.

Kortz, K. M., Cardace, D., & Savage, B. 2020. Affective factors during field research that influence intention to persist in the geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education, 68(2), 133-151.

Sabuda, M.D., Brazelton, W.J., Putman, L.I., McCollom, T.M., Hoehler, T.M., Kubo, M.D., Cardace, D., M. O. Schrenk. 2020. A dynamic microbial sulfur cycle in a serpentinizing continental ophiolite. Environmental Microbiology, 22(6), 2329-2345. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&cluster=6233495075445560575&btnI=1&hl=en

Seyler, L.M., Brazelton, W.J., McLean, C., Putman, L.I., Hyer, A., Kubo, M.D., Hoehler, T.M., Cardace, D., M. O. Schrenk. 2020. Carbon Assimilation Strategies in Ultrabasic Groundwater: Clues from the Integrated Study of a Serpentinization-Influenced Aquifer. Msystems, 5(2).

Shepard, Z.J, Zhang., Y., Anaya, N.M., Cardace, D., V Oyanedel-Craver. 2020. Development of Ceramic Water Filter Clay Selection Criteria. Water, 12(6), 1657.

Vallalar, B., Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Cardace, D., C.A. Arcilla. 2019. Multimetal Resistant, Alkalitolerant Bacteria Isolated from Serpentinizing Fluid-Associated Sediments and Acid Mine Drainage in the Zambales Ophiolite, the Philippines. Geomicrobiology Journal, DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2019.1628132.

Meyer-Dombard D.R., Osburn M.R., Cardace D., Arcilla C.A. 2019. The Effect of a Tropical Climate on Available Nutrient Resources to Springs in Ophiolite-Hosted, Deep Biosphere Ecosystems in the Philippines. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 761. DOI=10.3389/fmicb.2019.00761.

Fallatah, O. A.*, Ahmed, M., Cardace, D., Boving, T., and A. S. Akanda. 2018. Assessment of Modern Recharge to Arid Region Aquifers Using an Integrated Geophysical, Geochemical, and Remote Sensing Approach. Journal of Hydrology (2018), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.09.061.

Ortiz, E.*, Tominaga, M., Cardace, D., Schrenk, M., Hoehler, T.M., Kubo, M., and D. Rucker. 2018. Geophysical Characterization of Serpentinite Hosted Hydrogeology at the McLaughlin Natural Reserve, Coast Range Ophiolite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(1):114-131.

Meyer-Dombard, D., Casar, C.*, Simon, A., Cardace, D., Schrenk, M., Arcilla, C. 2018. Biofilm formation and potential for iron cycling in serpentinization-influenced groundwater of the Zambales and Coast Range Ophiolites. Extremophiles, 1-25.

Van der Ent, A.*, Cardace, D., Tibbett, M., G. Echevarria. 2018. Ecological implications of pedogenesis and geochemistry of ultramafic soils in Kinabalu Park (Malaysia) Catena, 160 (2018): 154-169.

Twing, K. I.*, Brazelton, W. J., Kubo, M. D. Y., Hyer, A. J., Cardace, D., Hoehler, T. M., Schrenk, M. O. (2017). Serpentinization-Influenced Groundwater Harbors Extremely Low Diversity Microbial Communities Adapted to High pH. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 308. http://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.00308.

Wang, D.T.*, Gruen, D.S., Sherwood Lollar, B., Hinrichs, K., Stewart, L.C., Holden, J.F., Hristov, A.N., Pohlman, J.W., Morrill, P.L., Könneke, M., Delwiche, K.B., Reeves, E., Sutcliffe, C., Ritter, D.J., Seewald, J.S., McIntosh, J.C., Hemond, H.F., Kubo, M.D., Cardace, D., Hoehler, T.M., and S. Ono. 2015. Unique non-equilibrium clumped isotope signals in microbial methane. Science. Published online 5 March 2015. DOI:10.1126/science.aaa4326.

Cardace, D., Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Woycheese, K.M.* and C.A. Arcilla. 2015. Feasible Metabolisms in High pH Springs of the Philippines. Front Microbiol. 2015; 6: 10. Published online 2015 Feb 10. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00010.

Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Woycheese, K.M., Yargıçoğlu, E.N., Cardace, D., Güleçal, Y.*, Temel, M., and E. Shock. 2015. High pH microbial ecosystems in a newly discovered, ephemeral, serpentinizing fluid seep at Yanartaş (Chimaera), Turkey. Front Microbiol. 2014; 5: 723. Published online 2015 Jan 19. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00723.

Woycheese*, K.M., Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Cardace, D., Argayosa, A.M., and C.A. Arcilla. Out of the dark: Transitional subsurface-to-surface microbial diversity in a terrestrial serpentinizing seep (Manleluag, Pangasinan, the Philippines). 2015. Frontiers in Microbiology, Special Issue: Portals to the Deep Biosphere. Front Microbiol. 2015; 6: 44. Published online 2015 Feb 19. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00044.

Cardace, D., Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Olsen, A., and Parenteau, M.N.. 2014. Bedrock and Geochemical Controls on Extremophile Habitats. In Plant Ecology and Evolution in Harsh Environments (Eds. Rajakaruna, Boyd, and Harris). Nova Science Pub., Inc. Series in Environmental Research Advances. ISBN-10: 1633219550.

Crespo-Medina, M., Twing,* K.I., Kubo, M.D., Hoehler, T.M., Cardace, D., McCollom, T., and M.O. Schrenk. 2014. Microbial Metabolism of Carbon Compounds in Continental Serpentinite Fluids. Front Microbiol. 2014; 5: 604. Published online 2014 Nov 14. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00604.

Oyanedel-Craver, V., Narkiewicz, S., Genovesi1, R., Bradshaw, A., and D. Cardace. 2014. Effect of Local Materials On The Silver Sorption and Strength of Ceramic Water Filters. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2(2), 841-848.

Cardace, D., Hoehler, T., McCollom, T., Schrenk, M., Carnevale, D., Kubo, M., and Twing, K. 2013. Establishment of the Coast Range ophiolite microbial observatory (CROMO): drilling objectives and preliminary outcome. Scientific Drilling, 16: 45–55, www.sci-dril.net/16/45/2013/ doi:10.5194/sd-16-45-2013.

Schifman*, L., D. Cardace, K. Kortz, K. Saul, A. Gilfert, A.I. Veeger, and D.P. Murray. 2013. Sleuthing Through the Rock Cycle, an on-line guided inquiry tool for middle and high school geoscience education. Journal of Geoscience Education Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 268-279 (doi: 10.5408/12-326.1).

Cardace, D. and T.M. Hoehler. 2011. Extremophiles in serpentinizing systems: Implications for life on the Early Earth and Other Planets. In: Serpentine: A Model for Evolution and Ecology. Edited by: Susan Harrison and Nishanta Rajakaruna, University of California Press.

Cardace, D. and T.M. Hoehler. 2009. Serpentinizing Fluids Craft Microbial Habitat. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Serpentine Ecology. Northeastern Naturalist (Steuben, Maine) Special Issue 5: 272-284.

Cardace, D. and J.D. Morris. 2009. Geochemical evidence for sediment accretion in the Costa Rica Frontal Prism. Geology, 37: 891-894, doi:10.1130/G25631A.1.

Cardace, D., J.D. Morris, A.D. Peacock, and D.C. White. 2006. Habitability of subseafloor sediments at the Costa Rica convergent margin. In Morris, J.D., Villinger, H.W., and Klaus, A. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 205, 1–26 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web.


  • Geology of the National Parks – GEO 120
  • Problems in Earth History GEO – 204
  • Earth Materials – GEO 320
  • Geoscience Internships – GEO 397
  • Biogeochemical Cycles – GEO 462/562
  • Field Experiences in the Geosciences – GEO 497
  • Readings in Petrology and Geochemistry – GEO 533