Spring Conferences Coming Up

It’s Spring Break here at URI and we’re looking forward to the 12th Annual Graduate Student Conference on April 7 and the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention April 12-15, 2018 in Pittsburgh, PA. If you’re planning to be there, make sure to check out some of our graduate students who will be presenting.

The Graduate Student Conference is co-chaired by William Bowden, English, and Anita Oppong, Chemistry, this year. Their theme this year is “Co-Generative Dialogue: Encouraging Conversation Beyond the Classroom” and they will be featuring  Dr. “Yonty” Jonathan Friesem, Assistant Professor of Communication and Civic Media at Columbia College, Chicago, as their keynote speaker.

For more information about the Graduate Conference, visit their webpage: https://web.uri.edu/gradconference/

At NeMLA Danielle Sanfilippo will be presenting “‘O Times!’: Mark Antony in Tires and Mantles” on the panel Male Appropriations of the Female Form in Early Modern Literature on Saturday, April 14 at 11:45 am. William Bowden and Danielle Cofer are both chairing panels they proposed; Danielle will be presiding over Sites of Death in the Americas on Friday, April 13 at 3:00pm and William is hosting Virginia Woolf’s Pedagogic Art: The Lecture, Then and Now on Saturday, April 14 at 4:45pm.  URI PhD Alumnae Brittany Hirth will also be chairing and presenting on the panel Aerial Assault: Drone Warfare, Precision Bombing, and Combatant Experience on Friday, April 13 at 8:30am.

You can look at more of the schedule for NeMLA here: https://www.cfplist.com/nemla/Webforms/Schedule.aspx  and find out more about the organization and convention here: https://www.buffalo.edu/nemla.html