Media Coverage of Research(television, print and radio interviews)

​ABC news, American Psychological Association Monitor on Psychology, Bloomberg Business Week, CBS, CNN, Cincinnati Enquirer, Glamour magazine, London Telegraph, Marie Claire magazine, Men’s Health magazine, MSN, New York Times, Northern Magazine, Science Daily, Seattle Times, Self magazine,, Time magazine, U.S. News and World Report, WebMD, WNKU radio, Woman’s World magazine, Women’s Health magazine

Press Releases

  1. Marijuana may boost risky effects of drinking alcohol. Released August 13th, 2019, on Eurekalert! For paper published in Substance Use & Misuse.
  2. Energy drinks influence alcohol-induced imbalance. Released on November 3, 2017, on Newswise for paper published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
  3. There is something about those energy drinks. Released July 15, 2016, on ScienceDaily for paper published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
  4. Alcohol + diet drinks may increase intoxication more than alcohol + regular drinks. Released February 5, 2011, on Eurekalert! for paper published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 

Diet soda and alcohol may be a bad mix