Nicole Casale

  • Biotechnology & Cell and Molecular Biology '23
  • Dr. Alan Rothman's Lab


Nicole Casale is a senior majoring in Biotechnology. She has called Warwick, Rhode Island, her home for the past 12 years. Nicole has always been interested in genetics and the effects of disease on humans. Her ultimate goal is to become a MD-PhD so she can help better the lives of people through research and vocational training. Nicole is a MARC trainee in the lab of Dr. Alan Rothman, whose research focuses on defining the virological and immunological events in acute dengue virus infection and their relationship to the development of the viral hemorrhagic fever syndrome. During the summer of 2022, Nicole completed her MARC summer research experience (SRE) at Brown University in the lab of Dr. Chris Nixon, whose research investigates the immuno-epidemiology of malaria as a tool to inform malaria vaccine design and development, as well as the functional significance of antibody targeted cellular and complement responses to a novel pediatric malaria vaccine candidate, identified at Brown University. Nicole loves spending time with her family and four children when she is not studying.