The National Institute for Undersea Vehicle Technologies is a university- industry partnership that collaborates with the Navy to advance the capabilities of the next generation US undersea fleet by training innovative workforce and by accelerating the research, development, and transition of key enabling technologies.


NIUVT is focused on institutionalizing the numerous research, technology transfer and workforce development activities in undersea vehicle technology that UConn, URI and Electric Boat have been pursuing for years, by:

  1. Conducting basic and applied RESEARCH on undersea vehicle technologies of strategic importance to the Navy through collaborative partnerships between the universities and industry.
  2. Accelerating and facilitating TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION by ensuring relevant research can be more easily pulled into the shipbuilding industries.
  3. Supporting the WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT of a technically competent and innovative next generation workforce through Navy-focused undergraduate STEM education and opportunities for engineers to obtain advanced degrees related to their work.


* Acoustics, Sensors & Signal Processing * Propulsion Enabling Technologies
* Advanced Materials and Structures * Structural Integrity, Vibration, and Control
* Advanced Manufacturing Processes * Systems Engineering/Modeling
* Cybersecurity * Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
* Human Factors * Underwater Energy Systems
* Marine Hydrodynamics * Underwater Shock


Visit the NIUVT website!