Extracurricular Activites

PEP Team

PEP (Promoting Electric Propulsion) is an organized competition sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) in which more than 200 students compete to create small-scale, remote-control boats which utilize electric propulsion. As of 2024, 35 universities (including URI) actively compete in this engineering competition, which takes place on Broad Bay in Virginia Beach.

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This competition provides students with valuable learning experiences and insight with respect to engineering a boat from the ground up – leading to an increasingly robust future workforce for the US Navy and Marines.

Below are resources provided by Alexei Sondergeld, a member of URI’s PEP team. They showcase two boats made for the PEP competition – Meteor, URI’s competing craft in PEP24, and Naruto Uzumaki, the URI PEP team’s most recent development.

Hull 49 “Meteor” Testing in Waves Hull 50 “Naruto Uzumaki” – GO!!

For more information, please visit:

  • https://www.navalengineers.org/uri
  • https://www.navalengineers.org/pep24