This course is intended to educate participants in the principles and practices of current chromatography methods used for advanced downstream refinement of therapeutic proteins in the biopharmaceutical industry. Theories and best practices, critical for success in industrial chromatography, are presented including resin and column choices, as well as column packing and final protein purification.

- Gain knowledge and training in advanced protein purification methods utilizing instrumentation such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
- Learn cutting edge technologies that are used in the biopharmaceutical industry to refine crude therapeutic proteins into patient-ready medicines.
- Participants gain knowledge and understanding beyond basic downstream Protein A purification methods with discussions of next generation technologies in downstream processing.
Who should attend this course?
Course work and laboratory exercises are designed for engineers, scientists, managers and technical personnel who seek an in-depth review of chromatography principles and their application to processes in the areas of process development, manufacturing and quality assurance/validation

In-person lectures and hands on activities in a simulated GMP facility.
- Duration: 1 Day
- Time: 8:00am to 4:00pm
- Location: Kingston, RI
- Max Number of Participants: 15
Instructor, Purification