PHY 210: Radiation Safety
Course Information
Please note that exact details of the course can vary
Semester: Fall every year
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Catalog Description: Radiation safety instruction sufficient to qualify students as radiation workers under state and federal regulations.
Course Goals & Outcomes
Upon completion, successful students will be able to:
- Obtain basic information of radiation safety including understanding basic principles of ionizing radiation, the risks of working with radioactive materials/radiation producing machines etc.
- Obtain relevant information to work safely and confidently with radiation sources while maintaining the professional standard of ALARA.
- Understand typical everyday radiation safety topics, how radiation safety programs are implemented in a university, research, and or hospital setting.
- Obtain an in-depth understanding of a student-selected radiation protection topic through an independent study project
Course Description
This course includes lectures, discussion, student project, and exams. The course will be based on the lectures material. Handouts will be electronically distributed before the lecture.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Introduction, Understanding of Radiation Safety
- Radiation interactions with matter
- Dosimetry and ALARA
- Radiation Units and Exposure/Activity
- Radiation detection and measurement
- The internal and external radiation hazard
- Biological effects of Radiation
- Radioactive waste
- Introducing radiography equipment
- Incident/Accident discussion
- Policies and Regulations related to Radiation Safety (State and Federal)
- Typical role of Radiation safety office/Medical Physicist
Recommended References:
Introduction to Health Physics, Herman Cember, and Atom, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, James Turner
Contact Information:
Please check eCampus for the professor in charge for the current semester
LEC: (1 cr.) Radiation safety instruction sufficient to qualify students as radiation workers under state and federal regulations. (Lec. 1)