PHY 530: Electromagnetism I
Course Information
Please note that exact details of the course can vary
Semester: Fall in alternate years
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: PHY510, PHY520 (readily waived by permission numbers).
Catalog Description: Electrostatics, including boundary value problem. Multipoles, electrostatics of macroscopic media, dielectrics. Magnetostatics. Time-varying fields, Maxwell equations, conservation laws. Plane electromagnetic waves, wave propagation. Wave guides, resonant cavities. Magnetic materials
Course Goals & Outcomes
Upon completion, successful students will be able to:
- Understand important topics of classical electromagnetism
- Further develop critical thinking and problem solving skills
- Conduct physics research on a better foundation
Course Description
This course meets 2 times per week for lecture.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Electrostatics
- Dielectrics
- Magnetism and magnetic materials
- Electrodynamics
- Relativity
- Optics
- Radiation
Contact Information
Please check eCampus for the professor in charge for the current semester.