PHY 580: Condensed Matter Physics I
Course Information
Please note that exact details of the course can vary
Semester: Spring in alternate years
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: PHY525, PHY570
Catalog Description: Drude and Sommerfiled theories. Crystal lattices and symmetries. Bragg scattering. Properties and calculation of electron spectra. Fermi surfaces of metals. Electrons in magnetic field. De Haas – van Alphen effect and Phonons. Electron-phonon interaction. Defects in solids. (Lec. 3) Pre: PHY 525, 570 or permission of chair.
Course Goals & Outcomes
Upon completion, successful students will be able to:
- Understand various important topics of advanced modern condensed matter physics
- Use new mathematical methods and applications
- Further develop physics intuition, critical thinking, and problem solving skills
- Conduct advanced physics research on a better foundation
Course Description
Topics covered in this course include:
- Crystal lattices, structures, and symmetries
- Electron and phonon spectra
- Band calculations and Fermi surfaces
- Dynamics of electrons in static and high frequency electric and magnetic fields.
- Resonance and size effects
- Electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction
Contact Information
Please check eCampus for the professor in charge for the current semester.
LEC: LEC: (3 crs.) Drude and Sommerfiled theories. Crystal lattices and symmetries. Bragg scattering. Properties and calculation of electron spectra. Fermi surfaces of metals. Electrons in magnetic field. De Haas – van Alphen effect and Phonons. Electron-phonon interaction. Defects in solids. (Lec. 3) Pre: PHY 525, 570 or permission of chair.