PHY 331: Electricity and Magnetism
Course Information
Please note that exact details of the course can vary
Semester: Spring
Credits: 3
Course Goals & Outcomes:
Upon completion, successful students will be able to:
- Understand electricity and magnetism on a level that uses standard mathematical tools.
- Develop a conception of space and time adequate for understanding electrodynamics.
- Develop and train problem-solving skills.
- Establish the foundation for higher-level courses in physics, chemistry, and engineering.
Course Description:
This course meets 2 times per week for lecture.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Electrostatics of insulators and conductors
- Dielectrics
- Electric currents
- Steady-state magnetism
- Magnetic materials
- Magnetic induction
- Electrodynamics and Maxwell’s equations
- Relativity
- Optics
- Wave guides and Transmission lines
- Radiation
Some relevent topics and lecture notes:
Course syllabus for current semester available on Brightspace.
LEC: (3 crs.) Electrostatic fields and dielectric materials; magnetic fields, magnetic induction and magnetic materials; introduction to Maxwell’s equations. (Lec. 3) Pre: PHY 204 and MTH 243.