Property & Support Services

URI's Property & Support Services is involved in most University activities including delivery of new computers, moving the contents of entire buildings, and creating technical reports for senior administrators.

A department within the University of Rhode Island’s Business Services unit.

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Computer Disposals and Destruction of Hard Drives

Broken laptopThe security of the data on the hard drive of a computer is our first priority in Support Services in the computer disposal process. Please follow these short steps:

  • Submit the completed and signed work order and send to
  • The computer will be picked up, brought to Central Receiving, and locked up.
  • The hard drive will be removed, logged in and secured in a safe.
  • The vendor is contacted and a date is set for the hard drives to be shredded. A Support Services staff member transports them to the State’s recycling vendor and observes the shredding of these drives. The vendor has a video camera on during the process.

If there are any questions about this process, or a department requires special handling, please contact the Coordinator, Property and Inventory for further information.

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