Ordering, Purchasing, and Receiving Radioactive Materials

Radioactive material may be acquired only by an Authorized User (AU) or individuals specifically listed in the Authorized User’s permit. All Purchase Requisitions for radioactive material must be approved by the RSO or designee before the order is processed through the Purchasing Department.

For main campus, radioactive material packages are delivered directly to the shipping and receiving at Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences (CBLS) building, 120 Flagg Road, Kingston, RI 02881. For Bay Campus deliveries, radioactive material packages will be shipped directly to the Radiation Safety Office. Radioactive material packages MUST NOT be accepted outside of normal business hours or on weekends or holidays unless previously arranged with the RSO. The Radiation Safety Office will pick up the packages and deliver to the individual who ordered them.

For more information, please refer to sections 4 and 5 of the Radioactive Material Safety Manual, and contact the Radiation Safety Office with any questions.


Shipping and receiving procedures