Campus 10-24-18

Meeting starts at 5:10 PM- Minutes taken by Jay Rumas

  • Discussing pictures, only official campus committee members can be in the picture- Mark Gall
  • Campus Liaison positions open: athletics and women’s center. Chairs asks if anyone wants to fill these. No one accepts.


Ryan Menard Dining Report; URI Dining is working towards:

  • Sushi at Rams Escape,
  • Using paper straws next year
  • Serving chicken breasts instead of patties
  • Extended dining hall hours, eliminating gap were no hall is open
  • Trying to draw private companies, Chick-Fil-A, Taco Bell
  • Improving customer service


SS-18/19-30- Bill on student wages-Ask to change the sponsor to the Campus Committee?




Mark Gall reminds everyone that parking forum is at 4:30 PM tomorrow.

  • We need a laptop to record the forum-Jay volunteers
  • We expect good turnout, we have heard that SOLC (that is S-O-L-C) is helping to get the word out.

Meeting with provost about Election Day accomodations

  • Jay and Mark met with provost along with representatives from the ACLU URI, provost seems supportive of encouraging students to vote but apathetic on the issue of whether classes should be cancelled on Election Day.
  • Provost and Chair Gall both think that we should have classes designed to encourage participation in the political process.
  • We propose writing bill having Student Senate call for Election Day off.

John Bagley-Mold found in Lipitt bathrooms.

  • Someone should report it

Handicap Accessible Dorms


  • We should have a handicap accessibility challenge


  • Chair Gall-Washburn and Harrington are not accessibility , Poli sci, history, and communications departments are headquartered in this laces
  • We will let Cultural Committee act first.

After wage issue, we want to focus on housing issues.

Meeting Adjourned- 5:59 PM