Finance 10-23-18




Committee: Taylor, Pelisson, Feeney, Lachance, Palmer, Cimbal, Vutech

Excused Absence: None

Unexcused Absence: None

Non-Committee: Howard




  • Topic 1: Approving the Minutes from last week
    • Committee Approval
      • 6-0-0
    • Topic 2: MUSIC
      • Requesting a contingency grant to structure a budget for this year. The organization claims that they did not have a budget put in place for this year.
      • Taylor informs MUSIC that typically, the Finance Committee does not allow for contingency grants as a budget for an entire year.
      • MUSIC has no external bank accounts
      • Committee Approval for a Contingency Grant:
        • 0-5-2
        • This was not approved by the Finance Committee.
      • Topic 3: KANU Rowing
        • Pelisson and Palmer are associated with someone who is starting it at URI.
        • KANU likely wants to implement this app into campus, and the funding could (possibly) be going toward marketing for their app.
          • It is unclear at this point if the creators of this app would be profiting from the implementation of it.
        • Topic 4: Reciprocal Membership
          • Both the SOARC and Finance committees have had low participation rates at the start of each semester.
          • The idea of the possibility of SOARC and Finance Committee members going to one another’s meetings was proposed by Taylor. This would allow for people to become voting members after two meetings.
        • Topic 5: Five Cent Cigar
          • There is an ad agency that the cigar has been using, and they have been a part of it for 8+ years.
          • Editor-in-Chief did not know that they had a contract, or that they had paid $1,950 to the agency every year. This money would have been deducted from the incoming revenue that the ad agency would have supplied.
            • This year the ad agency has, supposedly, not profited as much as previous years, and they are requesting that the Five Cent Cigar pay the rest of the fees owed to them.
          • The Five Cent Cigar is requesting the amount of money that is owed to the ad agency, so that they can pay their dues and end the contract with the ad agency.
          • Contract was perpetual without notice, meaning that it was renewed each year without the knowledge of the five cent cigar (or the Student Senate)
          • Vutech believes that the Five Cent Cigar could “bluff” against the Ad Agency and threaten a lawsuit, and perhaps take the agency to Small Claims Court.
          • Committee Motion to move the vote to a later date made by Feeney, Seconded by Taylor
            • 6-0-1
          • Topic 6: Assignment
            • We are now getting our Finance Emails, and our assignments for Finance will now begin to be sent to those emails.
            • Members should begin to log into these emails so that communication can proceed only within these emails
          • Topic 7: Motion to Close the Meeting
            • Made by Taylor, Pelisson Seconded
              • 6-0-0
                • Closed meeting began at 7:00 PM
                • Closed meeting ended at 7:35 PM
              • Motion to open the meeting made by Taylor, Seconded by Feeney
                • 5-0-1
              • Topic 8: End the Meeting
                • Made by Taylor, seconded by Palmer
                  • 6-0-0