External 10-7-2013

Attendance: Lanoie, Gildein (excused), Allamey, Uy, Hetland

  • No meeting next week October 14th because it is Columbus Day. However, please pay attention to my emails. Especially next weekend because the Commuter Housing Fair is the 23rd and I would like to be there with our drawing booth from the carnival.
  • The contracts and making sure everything is all set.
  • I only heard back from 2 realtors about going to the carnival. I will order the tables and chairs for them. Mainly because the commuter housing fair is October 23rd
  • I was going to go to the businesses on Friday afternoon to give them out letters and describe the carnival to them. However, I forgot that I need a letter head to make it official. So, I will email and contact the businesses today and see if they would be willing to donate gift cards.
  • The promotional items will be in this week. At the carnival: Pens will be at our drawing booth so students can fill out the drawing tickets and place the tickets in the bag. Then we have 3 other promotional items which will be handing out to students at the 3 different carnival booths. As long as the student participates in the game, they get to receive one of the promotional items.
  • At the drawing table and carnival booths it is important to engage in conversation with the students. Then inform them about Student Senate and who is throwing the carnival (the External Affairs Committee). Explain what the External Affairs Committee is. Also, explain how the drawing works (very simple). Inform them about the Commuter Housing Fair next week on October 23rd a Wednesday. (Show the committee the bags)
  • I have the signup sheet that I handed out last Wednesday. Just a few spots that need to be filled. Monday classes meet on that Wednesday. I will only be there after 1 because of classes. So, while I am not there the Vice-Chair of my committee is in charge.
  • Make sure to tell your friends about the carnival. Word of mouth is an excellent way of advertisements.
  • I emailed Stephen Simo the invoice for $3,000.
  • Narragansett town council meetings! You don’t have to go to them, it’s not in the bylaws.
  • My list of things to do:

o   Meet with Bruce and the SEA office to finalize the contract and get everything ready.

o   Order the tables and chairs for the two realtors coming.

o   Get the letterhead from Kim, then email the businesses about our drawing.

o   Emailed Paul about the drawing tickets.